Spiritual Lesbian
Relationships may be at the core of human interaction but so often they cause more heartache than joy.
The advent of online dating and meeting people on social media can be the start of something beautiful or a car crash waiting to happen. It’s a little like Russian roulette as a person’s profile may not match their actual character and it’s not until feelings have been invested the truth is seen. At this point, a person could doubt the existence of intuition and wonder how they got it wrong. I personally like the part where your eyes meet and you sense a connection with another soul is possible, whether it be friendship or romantic. I trust my instincts when it’s in the arena of people meeting in the flesh but can see now how online attraction can be confusing and often end in tears. All relationships are an opportunity for growth even if they have the halo of unfinished business from past lives. You know that feeling when you meet someone and it’s so familiar? Chances are you saying hello to a person you knew in another lifetime. This love story may be back for a rerun and to repair the hurts of two people that may have met in ancient Egypt, Greece, or Paris. The sky is the limit when it comes to the journey of a soul who incarnates periodically to explore life as a human where anything can happen and probably will. This is the concept of reincarnation a well-oiled machine devised by the source the literal God of the universe. I chose to come here as a gay divine feminine with a desire to experience life from this point of difference. No regrets as I instinctively know my role is to inspire people and challenge belief systems that separate us from our soul and human unity
The dance of the eternal soul
My heart endears itself to those who are the victims of people’s insidious ignorance toward people that don’t fit the criteria of what they have been taught is normal. This can encompass a woman, man, or child’s skin color denoting their place of birth but not their soul essence or purpose. You see if we dare to believe in the spirit of reincarnation the door opens to a paradigm of divine immortality. A guided tour through eons of lifetimes where the status of an individual could be that of a king, peasant, or philosopher here on earth to make sense of the human condition. The choice is ultimately ours embossed with the ambition to learn from ideas and ideals that can be transmuted into reality on this majestic earthly plane. Here we get to test our resilience as a soul through the eyes of a human, the manifestation of a creator also eager to grow and expand with their fractal family. You could say it’s a joint effort and a little different than the concepts of God in various religions. The voyage of the soul is a grand scheme where we choose how we want to live a specific life and what we want to achieve in terms of spiritual growth. The emblem of a soul’s reason for stepping onto the podium of Planet Earth. A plan is stylized to suit each soul’s incarnation with room to adjust your course if needed. I can vouch for this river-like flow where a path seemed set in stone and then out of the blue an opportunity presented that took me in a completely different direction.
Growing up gay in a straight world.
When I learned I was a soul I looked back at the sequels of my life and understand why there had often been drastic changes that were clearly necessary at a soul level. The same could be said for relationships that provided havens of affection where I learned the value of friendship, companionship, and love. I also learned the abusive side of people who mistook love for control. As a human, I approached relationships with a guidebook of minimal wisdom based primarily on the marital bond I witnessed between my mother and father. Both were English/Irish immigrants who were very different in personality and typically did not show emotive displays of affection. I was at school when I figured out I was gay and never breathed a word to my parents until I was actually in a relationship with another woman some years later. I wonder how many other gay women endured a sense of separatism in their earlier years as they were not sure what to do with their unique way of being. I recall how strange it felt when my school friends were dating guys and I did not feel attracted to boys but tried anyway to make a connection. For me being gay and dating men was like a horse trying to mate with a lion or bear. It just felt weird but back in the day, many women succumbed to a straight life knowing they were a lesbian and came out when the desire to be with a woman could no longer be argued. I grew up in conservative times and felt the aloneness of my wanting to be visibly gay when everyone around me seemed focused on heterosexual relationships. Today being lesbian is open and illuminated whether society agrees or not. You could say it’s a lot easier now to be gay and I love sharing this precious part with friends and strangers alike. When we exhibit confidence in our authentic selves it is amazing how the blockade of bias is lifted to discover we are all human with a heart that beats in unison with all souls on Earth
We are co-creating this life with soul connections and source
From a universal stance, the desire to bond with another is at the core of us all, and even when there is disparity the need of humans is to align with others as the family of Mother Earth. You see the father of all existence was once alone and had an innate need for connection so split themself into extensions known as souls. This inspired conscious thoughts that manifested into all kinds of creatures including the idea of mankind as a clever way for souls to experience the masterpiece of life. This life was a picture painted by an artistic consciousness aware enough to bring their deepest desires, into reality. One of those expressions was a planet where souls could play, learn, and grow while aligning with the author of their story. who had an insatiable need to know more? Co-creation is at the heart of all that is and why we take a flight to Planet Earth knowing we are in for the ride of a lifetime and will get to feel pain, love, excitement, inspiration, motivation, connection, and immense growth. Who wouldn’t want to sign up for this adrenalin rush that can take you to the heights of heaven and depths of hell? This a one-off chance to manifest and enact your wildest thoughts and dreams. This trip to the fantastic fantasia of Earth does come with a warning as you can lose yourself in the quicksand of low vibrations, namely humans who have taken a different route and fallen victim to the darker aspects of temptation. It is a little like biting the apple in the ‘Garden of Eden’ and discarding the original vision of unconditional love in preference for material and glittery prizes. My love truth is inherited from the guardian of this universe and the sweet, tender remembrance when in the presence of a soul that you have a history with from lives lived before.

Past Lives
Soulmates return with love and lessons
This may be a sacred union and one with a mission to enhance humanity and the planet. When twin flames and high-level soulmates find each other a universal fountain of light pours through them and is exchanged from one heart to the other. It is a divine match that inspires all people on earth to believe that such partnerships are real as opposed to the ground-floor versions of unions built on disloyalty and dysfunction. The depth of intimacy felt with mates from other lives can seem overwhelming for the uninitiated but the soul holds court knowing they have passed this way before. These are not necessarily karmic orchestrated unions designed to shift negative patterns and conditioning but past life reunions with loving intent. It is fair to say this world is heaving with toxic relationships that are set on repeat and akin to a battlefield as each partner is triggered by memories of abuse, manipulation, and tactics of control. The irony is if you walk through a karmic minefield and learn your earthly lessons the frequency you once emitted may be raised to call in a soulmate of substance and self-love. With that said it is true, a cranky karmic relationship can evolve into a healthy soulmate affair if both parties consciously decide to address problems causing pain within the partnership. If not instead of enduring years of constant fighting and duress it makes sense to end the relationship and individually heal their wounds. You will know when you have met a divine counterpart who has done their work as their frequency will match with yours. The feelings can be intense and off the charts in line with the mystical love this universe was built upon. This is the truest form of love shared in human form and at the deepest soul level in a co-creative dynamic of unconditionality. Imagine if all humanity could connect in this way. What an aura of peace, unity, and love this planet would exhale inspiring the prophecy of New Earth. A cooperative, foreseen lifestyle where all people are free to express their relationship as gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, heterosexual, or polyamory.
When you meet that random person that sparks love in your heart consider this ‘no coincidence’ as you made a contract with their soul before arriving on Earth.
In fact, relationships are agreed upon as karmic, twin flame, soulmate, or family in line with what a soul is looking to achieve in terms of advancement. The characters on an individual soul journey know their role and can overlap and correlate with all souls connected. If you are blessed to find your soul family you will know in an instant as the ambiance of peace and home is powerful. These are souls that share your frequency and reasons for being here. If you have felt alone your soul family will offer the most beautiful sense of belonging and support you on your journey as you will them. It’s a mutual kinship and can come in the form of a romantic partner or human family. The vibe will be different from anything you have known as these souls gift you with their love and nurture making the nature of any connection a magnetic, amicable connection. You may find meeting a soul family member is the most amazing surprise as the bond surpasses the 3-D vision of a classic relationship. You will find yourself tuning in on an emotive, mental, physical, and spiritual wavelength with such ease. This ally is likely to be ancient and linked to your soul lineage. They will feel incredibly familiar when your eyes meet theirs. This concept may be hard to grasp but it is the magnificence of this universe and the enigmatic laws of attraction. Nothing is by chance including the people you will meet and why they are crossing your path, We have all experienced a deja-vu feeling when we commune with a stranger like they are lost, lovers or friends. The truth is they possibly are and could be here to deliver a message that will alter your life perspective.
Every romantic lesbian relationship is an opportunity for soul expansion
When I awakened to a story of reincarnation and a God of requited love I understood why events, people, and places had featured so prominently. My introduction to soul contracts changed my perception of relationships with the appearance of people who came to show love, lessons, or both. This understanding has made sense of the women I met and what they were here to teach me. There have been harsh lessons and heartbreak but the flow-on effect (if we allow it) is amazing growth and awareness. When you are in the thick of it the rhyme and reason won’t hold a lot of credence as emotions can be all-consuming. Once the dust settles it’s easier to see what the meaning of a relationship might be in terms of teaching a soul about love. For example, a person might show up on earth to awaken you to a detrimental pattern from childhood or to teach you what a happy, healthy union looks like. One where both partners are inspired to heal and shed their conditioning from traumas unresolved. The universe runs a tight ship and promotes the use of contrast, especially in relationships as a way to dig deeper into the emotive dynamics of a close connection. Every dark day has the potential for the sun to shine through the clouds and this is the way we get the amazing gains our soul is here to receive. We are often not shown how to do relationships and this gets us into trouble when conflict ensues from deep wounds that are begging to be healed.
From healing comes magnification and higher consciousness.
Problems arise when we lack awareness about how we feel and what we are holding onto from past romantic interactions. We walk around with a blindfold trying to understand why this relationship hit the rocks until we awaken to a realization that every cause has an effect. It’s not bad luck that your lesbian partner began controlling you because they felt triggered by an abusive father or former spouse. Everything we feel has a base cause and the effect can be played out in unhealthy ways. This is also why you may have signed a soul contract with this specific person so they could teach you about the negative aspects of relationships. At this point, you might be thinking this is a callous universe that sends souls to relationship hell but the official goal is enlightenment and that takes being tested with all kinds of contrast in the form of situations and relationships. What we deem as a failure through a breakup or divorce is not necessarily so on a soul level. In fact, souls like to specialize in their quest for knowledge, and if you think about it every failed relationship can add layers of psychological and spiritual expertise. What a fantastical world we live in where at any given time a soulmate can feel the pull of your frequency and appear in the same time zone ready to make their return from a past life known. Everyone we meet has an eternal part to play in our soul journey. Some will be imprinted on our hearts while others will arrive with a suitcase packed with karma.

Lesbian Relationships
Past soul contracts flood our external earthly world with parents, lovers, friends work-mates, acquaintances, and strangers.
An awakened soul knows life is not a walk in the park but a quest for the holy grail of Nirvana. Without awareness, most will feel that life is against them and fall prey to the feeling they can’t win or stop random things from happening. From an earthly perspective, it seems a venture of madness but to a soul, it is the epitome of adventure and the opportunity for conscious advancement. The people involved are hand-picked and some will have been past life lovers, family members, or friends back to offer a soulful hand to a player going through life challenges. These are relationships, and events pre-designed for maximum expansive effect. Next time you run into a person who you swear you know from somewhere take a moment to consider it may have been in ancient Rome, Atlantis, or Greece. Your soul will instantly recognize this distant traveler while the human senses the familiar. Past-life soul contracts are entwined in our everyday life and the people we rendezvous with throughout an incarnation. Our courtship with these souls is a dance of divine elegance composed for all souls to feel life in all its entirety. It’s a risky venture but a chance to catch up with past life friends or greet new souls who come with a script full of lessons. Just think? Your new lesbian lover may hold a history that goes way back in time and here they are again in a different body but still the same soul. Those we make soul contracts with have an undeniable pull and are here for a reason. It’s never a game of chance but a calling in of a karmic, soulmate, or twin flame. This past-life hook-up can happen at any time but you will feel it when it does. If you have taken the lessons from prior partnerships you will be in good shape to greet your life partner. A soul that mirrors you in frequency and soulful human traits.
Your life partner awaits
This high-level soulmate is here to bring peace and will probably arrive when you have waged life’s perfect storms and walked through the karmic fires. The vibe is so different and mystically appealing. Like the relationship piece of the puzzle, you have been waiting forever to find. What sets a life partner apart from the rest is the growth, a precious gift they bring along with a sense of stability, companionship, harmony, and love. Soulmates may come and go but your life partner is for keeps They will arrive in divine timing when you are both ready and energetically aligned. When these two souls unite the light of God shines glamorously through the union. For this is a relationship encoded in the ‘New Earth’ template whether they are bisexual, lesbian, heterosexual, or gay. If you resonate with this article about how this universe works you will look differently at everyone you meet. You will be asking why they have made an appearance and what they are here to teach me? Right now billions of souls have reincarnated on Planet Earth all seeking answers to questions they have come here to discern. It could be lessons in love or finding out a higher meaning of truth and justice. My journey has been a lesson in pleasure and pain with rewards of expansion and unimaginable growth. I am going to the finish line with so much love for who I authentically am. A divine feminine lesbian and crusader for a classier unified world. It’s been a hell of a ride but I’ve met the sassiest of souls and will be back again in the next life to meet past life lovers, family, and friends. I will also be back to enlighten a world of bias and support the ‘New Earth’ theme.
Author ~ Linda E Cole