Lesbian Relationships
My lesbian journey has been a path of learning and when I awakened to my spiritual truth and reincarnation as a vehicle for a soul journey my perspective on human relationships expanded. In this article, I explore the effects of family and choices in gay female partnerships. from a spiritual and human standpoint.
We begin with the concept of coming to earth through the vehicle of reincarnation
A gamble we choose to take so the grandiose art of experience can add all the good stuff like growth and ascension to a soul’s incarnated career. From the moment we agree to step forth on this 3-D planet the life game is on. It’s a journey to the unknown as our memories are wiped leaving us to survive on our own in a world of souls disguised as humans. You could say we all wear masks or a costume designed to hide our soul’s ethereal light body. We are like immigrants setting sail for a foreign land. All souls are prepped for adventure with the finer details of what will be etched in a chart long before our earthly birth. Who we are destined to meet is literally written in the stars and as each soul player shows up the dynamic and reasons are revealed. This is where the fun starts as some souls are here to create lessons hidden in the attraction of love. Karmic relationships are a mind-bender for souls needing to step into the arena of understanding pain. This can be an abusive or co-dependent encounter that keeps souls guessing why the appeal was magnetic yet so troublesome. The bounce-back effect between souls who are laden with perilous patterns can be heartbreaking but also power-packed with the gift of expansive growth. Sounds crazy in context but when we come from a soul’s perspective it’s not so hard to see why we choose the partners we do and how the potential for enlightened advancement is potentially there. I am sure many of my gay community have felt the wrath of a partnership gone sour and wondered how this could happen when it started with so much love and hope. Sadly the trash can is full of shattered partnerships where both parties tried to hang in there long after the affection had gone.
Am I doing the same things my parents did in relationships?
The problem is we may mirror our parents who were raised to believe marriage is a forever connection as some religions often dictate. I am a gay female and aware this way of thinking can lead to a lifetime of misery for heterosexuals and homosexuals alike. Walking away may seem the hardest, especially if the marriage or partnership is super-glued together by dysfunction. For some reason, humans are programmed to stay in unions that don’t serve us well. This is the mixed message of love an emotion that stems from the heart of the source or God a consciousness that brought the vision of us into being. At the core of the source, love is unconditionality a concept we struggle with on this lonely planet of division. As a species, we have abandoned each other, our animal friends, and Mother Earth a world of diverse riches often plundered by those who never feel they have enough. A byproduct of humans who endure a separate sense of self from parents who did know how to love and passed the legacy to their children. Coming from an upbringing of neglect in terms of guardians being emotionally unavailable is a place of isolation where a child believes the world is the same and then seeks alliances with like-minded souls. A pattern of splintered relationships can ensue until the realization we can change the dynamic to one of mutual care-taking and love. Until this moment of truth, our planet cries tears of apathy as its citizens move farther away from each other. The epidemic is apparent in relationships of all kinds and expands with every generation where love is not the core of interaction.
The grandiose plan of reincarnation
To heal the hunger of ancestral lack in the amphitheater of love is no easy feat but begins when one family member re-writes the program from a place of healing. This mending of broken hearts is the key to a world of playful happiness as we return to the heart of who we are. That is God or the source of all living things. Where we got so off track is an illusion we garnished in the form of disbelief that we could possibly be the incarnation of a divine consciousness that created versions of ourselves known as souls. In truth, we are fragments of this divine entity who through their own loneliness brought into being a family and a process of reincarnation so their siblings could know the ultimate sensations we feel in human life. Our soul journey is a quest and thirst for knowledge when we choose events, people, and pathways that will add layers of awareness as we mirror to other souls the desire to connect and learn. When we truly understand who we are and where we hail from the pattern of choice becomes obvious. You see before we depart from home base to this cosmic schoolyard a chart is drawn up with the methodology of what we need to know embedded in the parents, friends, and lovers we will meet. The players are divinely hand-picked as each soul’s journey is intrinsically entwined. The symmetry is impressive and easy to see once we understand the thing we wish to gain advanced wisdom about. Say we want to spend a lifetime studying the various versions of love. What better way to seek higher awareness than by the act of opposites or contrast? The soul will fashion relationships where emotional and physical abuse may be present. Your soul may also meet parents who have cultural ideals about arranged marriages so you enter a union where love doesn’t live.
The path to your soul’s purpose – A journey of constant contrast
People will be attracted to your journey by default until you conclude that love is what you desire and change the energy you project as a victim of a loveless life. Mini-awakenings help you understand what it is you truly want when souls with the same desire seek you out. Of course, the pattern does not leave overnight and a ton of healing will take place as Godly healers cross your path and inspire you to alter course and discard the conditionings that were in place to show you the dark side of love. Another scenario could be a life of abandonment. Why indeed would a soul choose such a lonesome path where the stage is consistently set for self-abandonment and the distancing of people who may be experiencing a similar soul expedition? The awareness we step onto earth knowing we will experience the other side of our soul’s purpose could seem a daunting prospect but I look back and see how the flip-side of my path to purpose was engineered from the get-go. My fast and often furious life has left me wanting more as escalations of growth inspire my curious mind. A mind that seeks to uncover the magnitude of life itself and what appears to many as a game of chance and good or bad luck. This breeds an attitude that we are victims and powerless to decide our fate when through the eyes of a soul safari we are powerful expressions of God or source. If we take it a step further and imagine a symphony of unity with God we can stretch our thinking to a closer relationship with all beings on earth.
Our connections are masterful teachers.
Designed to take a soul through the maze of relationships to feel the emotive dance of intimacy or despair of heartbreak. The coming together of two souls in a romantic bond is a wild card for exponential growth as each person brings the opportunity through past trauma and parental conditioning. Love is the magic elixir for a partnership to begin that may have a lesson attached or a past-life soulmate blessing. Either way, the promise if you choose to accept is expansion. One can learn from a toxic relationship as much as one can learn from a loving compatible union. You see every person we meet offers the potential for enlightenment. The reason we roll up our spiritual sleeves and get to work on becoming the best we can be. It all takes place on a 3-dimensional planet our cosmic home for each incarnation. A tumultuous space where continual conflict reigns and love is the most misunderstood ethic imaginable. When we fall in love the sky looks bluer as a new kind of optimism engulfs our hearts. We feel an emotional tie to another soul we may have shared many past lives. The recognition can be instant and akin to falling in love at first sight. What begins is a desire to unite but how the relationship evolves depends on each partner’s interpretation of what this means. Our former lives hold the weight of childhood trauma and seeing what a marriage or partnership looks like through the eyes of our parents or guardians.

Same-Sex Relationships Abuse
The mosaic of mistreatment
Knows no boundaries when passed through generations as a learned perspective of how people should interact with each other. No amount of love or mutual emotive gifting can break through the barrier of a person whose relationship signature is ingrained with negative traits like control, codependency, manipulation, and inauthenticity. This creates many flavors of dysfunction and with a suitcase packed a lover walks into a new alliance with high hopes and the fairytale belief that love is a Romeo and Juliet theme. Of course, this can be the reality when two people are aware, compatible, and hold a mature wish to work through whatever presents itself. This can be the onset of niggling patterns and programming brought forward for healing from earlier liaisons and set beliefs about the roles of each person based on cultural or religious criteria. In the case of two women, the roles may switch often. For example, I am a femme who has lived on her own for some time and takes full responsibility for her life and all the classic chores that may be split between partners in a heterosexual home. I love wearing makeup and feminine clothes but can handle a hammer when needed. Most things a divine masculine may be expected to do or take charge of in a man-woman relationship. In fact, homosexual relationships present their own challenges as the same flawed patterns of abuse can filter in whether there are two women or men engaged in a real-time partnership.
The dark side of lesbian love
Sad to say this relationship mantra has been well learned and is being played out by those who have been literally trained to believe this is how you get love. That is both sides of the fence as romantic partners may initiate any one of these harmful traits engineered from generations of abuse. The buck has got to stop somewhere and it does when a person seeks to make a change knowing that love is not about being beaten or berated by a man or woman who engages in the patterns of their mom and dad. This happens in lesbian and gay relationships as the patterning has no gender or sexuality preference. The question is how do we break the chain of abuse in lesbian marriages and partnerships? The answer seems simple but if a femme has grown up with parents who teach love is hurting each other it may take an epiphany avalanche to awaken a woman from the slumber of denial. That is a disclaimer she accepts her female partner is using physical harm or mind games to control her every move. You see it’s not only the abusive programming of parents that can set this relationship pattern in progress. When a father or mother discovers they have a child who is gay or lesbian they may consider the heartless vision of aversion therapy or abandon them as being not in alignment with their heterosexual beliefs. This sets a young femme on a path of confusion so when she meets another femme with similar experiences there may be an idealistic hope that the wounds cut deep by rigid thinking parents can be healed. Instead, the feeling of not being wanted could show up as fear of being left out in the cold by their partner.
Why can’t you love me Mom now you know I am gay?
These deep insecurities can evolve as co-dependency in a gay woman who was disowned by her guardians fear of her sexuality. If only parents knew the harmful impact a withdrawal of their affection to a child can cause because they are lesbian, transgender, or gay. The bond of trust and love is broken as family ties disintegrate leaving a child to wander alone in a world where their difference is not always appreciated. If mom and dad could look beyond their daughter’s desire for other women it will be a message of acceptance and support instead of annihilation. The casting out of kids by parents who become aware their boy or girl is gay has created energetics of pain and despair for the child that feels torn between their authentic self and the loss of family love. The epidemic of abandonment by humanity toward those who are gay inspires ripples of separatism and an unwillingness to acknowledge we are all unique and not cut from the same societal cloth. Our gay children are crying tears for the family that no longer considers them a son or daughter and this is most obvious in religious households where the church dominates family life. A child may consider themselves deserted not only by their parents but also by God a dangerous place for a child to be who may consider their life is somehow wrong and unholy. The painful part is gay, bisexual, lesbian, and transgender teens can become depressed while some contemplate suicide when they are disowned by the people who once celebrated them as part of their ancestral bloodline. These are the prime caregivers, protectors who once instilled a sense of safety and belonging but now turn their back on their gay or lesbian kin. Stripped of their birth identity members of our LGBT community may also turn to substance abuse and enter relationships in search of the love out of reach from parents who cannot accept their child is different.
The stigma of ‘the unwanted’
Is a rejection destined to leave scars as the chords of parental love are severed? What happens next is reality bites as a child finds they are stranded in a loveless wasteland struggling to come to terms with the loss of parental support. The cruelty invoked can have a long-lasting effect on all styles of same-sex relationships that crumble from the pain inflicted by those who could not find it in their heart to love their gay self. The reason is a rebuff from friends, parents, the church, or a closed-minded world. Overcoming the attitudes of others can be challenging in lesbian relationships when we meet partners who have endured the harshness handed out by people who disrespected their right to be who they are. Starting a new relationship will take a brave heart and dedication to understand your partner’s deepest needs and desires. It may also require patience if they have felt the heartbreak of family disapproval. I am totally out and make no secret I am a lesbian who honors her spiritual soul journey and place in this forsaken world. We need more role models willing to share our beautiful difference and experiences navigating life in same-sex unions. In fact, we need people who are at peace with their legitimate selves whether they be bisexual, transgender, lesbian, or gay. My LGBT family of unique souls is an inspiration to me and so many who tend to the wounds of human exclusion because of their skin color or belief in the unaccepted. ‘We are the warriors of difference.’ Those unique souls who are not afraid to bring clarity to a world with deeply ingrained grudges of bias and prejudice.
Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)