Is Being Gay A Choice?

Is Being Gay Science, Spiritual Or A Soul Choice?

Is Being Gay A Choice?

Is being gay science, spiritual, or a soul choice?

My journey into the often dark and daunting arena of homosexuality has dug up a minefield of misinformation regarding my shining light as a gay female here on earth. For example, I was surprised to learn from the 1950s to the retro 70s people of gay origin were deemed to be mentally impaired, and in the early 90’s the bearers of a single ‘gay gene’ that defined them as homosexual. Recent studies have defiled the gay gene theory leaving the reason for being gay a beautiful mystery not necessarily influenced by DNA but thought to be a combo of psychological, and environmental interplay, and let’s not negate the power of attraction. The gay gene phenomenon must have left many global parents believing their gay, lesbian child was a product of their genetic history. Imagine the impact this would have on a deeply religious parent assuming their daughter was a lesbian because of an ancestral gene. This could create feelings of shame and blame while ensuring the parent/child relationship was one of strain and regret. The theory we were literally ‘born this way’ did give rise to more acceptance but the danger in quantifying this concept as a reason for being gay had the potential for those who were anti-gay to see this gene theory as a biological misprint or quirk of nature. An anomaly shared by some of our friends in the animal kingdom deemed to have bisexual tendencies. It did however allow for more leniency in religious circles and those who took the moral, (homophobic) high ground. A few years on and the gay gene parady is blown out of the water after genetic studies proved there is no evidence of a singular straight or gay gene. As a gay woman, I am curious to see if public opinion shifts to support other ideas as to how a daughter or son chooses a same-sex relationship over the standard version of heterosexual.

There is no cure for being gay

You see as humans we have a deep need to understand the facts offered up by those we see as masters of their craft and when those facts are suddenly changed or discounted it can create confusion and give rise to hearsay and opinions that may breed a negative response. Such is the nature of humankind to seek reliable answers that are workable and explain in this case why their child may be attracted romantically to the same sex. We can go around in circles forever but at the end of the day we exist and whether it’s genetic or a mysterious manifestation of human evolution our presence on this planet is sustained. On a personal note, I have little knowledge of any other person in my ancestral line who was gay which makes me the immaculate conception of my family history as an outed lesbian. I am also at peace with my gay stance and carry the flag of love for all my brothers and sisters who share this unique and beautiful way of being. I feel immense empathy for those who endured the wrath of painful procedures at a time when the voice of psychiatry impaled gay men with the tag of mental anguish. The sad part of this unjust saga is as an intelligent species we fall short when confronted with what we don’t understand. That person or thing we can’t make sense of becomes a point of contention and something that requires a cure instead of kindness and compassion. In fact, in a world where tolerance is in even less supply, we tend to ride with the pack and paint those who don’t appear to fit in with a tar and feather brush. This breeds animosity and isolation for the person or people who dared to stand out in the crowd and are made to feel like they are the problem. What follows is segregation as people who feel the burn of others’ dislike form groups of like-minded humans who have an affinity with each other’s worldly mismatch. Communities are created and the neighborhood is one of peaceful unity a refuge with a family-themed dynamic.

The spirit of collective gay togetherness

This is the heart of the LGBT community a safe haven for people of gay, lesbian, and transgender orientation who can embrace a sense of belonging in a world that dishonors many factions of society as outcasts. Sadly we need to define unity in groups as our human growth is stunted by our unwillingness to accept all people as citizens of Earth. A melting pot of people with differing origins, experiences, and ideals who we often prefer to label as oddballs or place in a mindset of hate. This creates an energy of aloneness and why so many gays feel the backlash of human disfavor. Being in the minority is not a place many choose as it’s easier to stay in sync with the mainstream than feel on the outer as that person who is different from the rest. The reason we are gay is an open debate so I would like to put a spoke in the wheels of finite thinking and offer a discerning view. It begins with my spiritual journey and search for God in churches and literature until I joined a spiritual community based on the premise we are all souls who reincarnate to earth for unlimited growth and expansion. Some refer to this belief system as New Age spirituality with leanings toward Eastern philosophies rather than the Western Christian ethic. I experienced a majestic awakening as the universe revealed the mysteries I had so long wanted to solve. It felt like coming home and all the books and films I could find on esoteric subjects growing up made sense with my enlightened vision of who we are and the many lifetimes we may have already lived. I learned the grandeur of synchronicity and how the energies of time and space align with our soul visitation here on Earth

My soul reincarnated as a (human) gay female

These were show-stopper times as my entire life had led to this and the moment was finally here. From the onset of my awakening, I have known the most incredible transformations and understand why a huge chunk of my life was perhaps so difficult. It is said as a soul we choose our gender, family and the way our life will flow for our aim is to enhance the soul and that could mean focusing on subjects that bring knowledge and ancient wisdom. In saying this it is degrees of discomfort that often bring the greatest growth and I can truthfully say my painful experiences have offered a higher level of awareness and spiritual consciousness. This emits from the light of God a divine creator who is born entirely of unconditional love and has residence in everything we see, feel, and touch. In fact, the heart of the source lives within us all but there can be disconnections or differences in how we perceive this universal icon who breathes love into all that is including every man, woman, and child on this planet. Our birthright is consciousness a unity perspective that is dishonored constantly when we separate each other with labels that deny togetherness as a worldly collective. Hence being gay may have been a soul choice in various incarnations but through centuries of a religious blackout, the boycott is still in place. A softening is apparent but the church still stands by its biblical beliefs that being homosexual is not necessarily a sin but instead a moral dilemma. As a gay female, I do not share this space of thinking as I give credence to reincarnation and the journey of the soul who may choose any gender or to be gay as a way to express life from this contrasting standpoint.

Is Being Gay A Mental Illness?

Is Being Gay Genetic?

Is there any proof I am gay, lesbian, or transgender?

The verification of my belief is no easy task as we live on a planet of 3-dimensional thinking. That is what we see and know from what we have been taught as the living proof of our human presence. We all have a burning desire to know how we miraculously came into being either by a force of nature or a creator that requires blind faith. I am no exception and have been fascinated to discover the voices of science, religion, and spirituality each airing a distinctive tone as to why I am a lesbian. For example, the religious stand on homosexuality is one of tolerance but that depends on individual doctrines, cultures, and countries where being gay is a punishable crime. On the other hand, science has been busy in the arena of genetics and uncovered theories about sexual behavior although pinpointing homosexuality as an inheritance is pending. This leaves an open playing field for conjecture and imaginative thought in the form of choice as a soul prepares to leave home for a convoy of experiences. Consciously set out as an array of soul-inspired tests evoking the potential for a wow factor of awareness and explosive growth. My personal journey as a soul navigating the terrain of this dynamic earth has yielded expansive gold. the glittering prize when we are willing to open our soul’s eyes. Using my detective skills as an analytical Virgo I have uncovered very little about the reasoning for anyone choosing to be a lesbian and have concluded it is purely an option a soul is willing to take. I have no regrets as I simply adore my lesbian persona and understand it is a degree of difficulty but embrace the challenge it often brings. You see when we accept who we are every step we take feels lighter and more purposeful.

Reincarnation as gay or lesbian comes with a warning! – Not everyone is gonna like it

So many people are at war with their authentic selves. It is indeed a conflict of interest being enacted by so many who have disconnected from most parts of their soul essence. Humanity has created a powerless tsunami blanketing the earth in a sea of conformity and disillusionment. How long we can survive our own separatism is anyone’s guess as we take out our internal illness on everything around us. While science endeavors to deliver a concrete reason for my apparent gayness I prefer the simplicity of reincarnation. A divinely orchestrated process where souls are born as humans with a pre-determined plan to learn, live, and feel every emotion an experience will usher in. This however is where the waters get murky. When you sign up for the unknown you might get more than you planned for. The thick density of our planet can play havoc with souls fresh off the conveyer belt who may have made the brave choice to be gay or lesbian. They could encounter the heavy vibes of homophobia keen to bully, condemn or ostracize them for their heroic difference. How hard it must be for a child or teenager who shares with friends at an early age that he or she is gay only to be met with ridicule and cruel treatment. When science said we were biologically the products of a gay gene there was a certain acceptance by the church but not from the public in general. This first understanding implied I was born this way but saw many hold strongly to their personal beliefs. This says a lot about the conditioning we have embraced over centuries of religious dismissal that being gay was somehow wrong. To be honest it feels perfectly right to me as I am living my lesbian life with no doubt I am a soul who wanted to explore the human odyssey this way.

Where do we go from here?

With all due respect to science, it is evident that not all mysteries can be decoded in a laboratory. The same applies to varying opinions from religions and God’s viewpoint on gay sexuality. In the light of unresolved proof, it is up to each person to draw their own conclusions. Meanwhile, the gay community continues to evolve as each and every one of us makes choices that resonate with our soul path. Our willingness to walk the talk as a lesbian gay, bisexual, or transgender inspires an aura of acceptance and inclusiveness. We are legends of difference. Leading the way for others to follow our unique footprint.

Author ~ Linda E Cole

Survivng My Soul Lessons On Earth As A Gay Female


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