Abuse Of The Divine Feminine, Lesbian On Planet Earth

Lesbian Abuse

As a gay/bisexual female have you ever endured the pain of abuse from a man or woman? I have like so many beautiful women on this planet known the heartbreak of others who are hurt enough to hurt you.

‘The mistreatment of Eve’

Sadly this is a world where women are subjected to the most brutal of treatment by souls who may have been victimized themselves or conditioned to believe this is how you treat your wife, partner, or girlfriend. There is a cycle of deception when it comes to the value of the divine feminine who in ancient times was depicted as a goddess and powerful ruler. We are soft, sassy, and highly capable but still a bullseye for those who see us in a compliant light. I am a lesbian but most definitely encompass the qualities of a divine feminine who is creative, loving, and part of this fabulous flirtation we call life. The sisterhood is important to me as is the desire to enlighten others about their own authenticity. When we know what makes us feel the enchantment in every moment it can be difficult for others to deter our chosen path. We become more confident and high on our feminine stance knowing our place in the world is just as real and relative as anyone else. There is nothing quite like the glow of a feminine who inspires others with her stylish knowing she has value and is not afraid to chase her dreams or goals. This is our time to rise in harmony as a collective that encourages other women to walk in their most beautiful, feminine light and feel a sense of safety as they do so.  As women, we don’t have to be super tough to be empowered and strong in our vision of life. Nor do we need to accept any treatment that demoralizes or makes us feel less than we really are.

‘She felt the sting of harshness than the empowerment of her divine sovereignty’

Life can be as harsh as hell. I should know and many others like me who wondered at times where the exit was to pain and suffering. The good news is I am by earthly standards a survivor but I see more. Getting through the rough stuff is a testament to our belief in this planet as a landscape for immaculate expansion. To be honest crazy as it might sound I wouldn’t have missed any of it. Where I am now is a miracle in many ways but also a moment of pride as I looked into the eyes of oppression and won. How did I win myself back? Not by putting another soul into a hell they showed me but by consciously choosing myself. We are all free souls until we meet others on earth whose wounding can make us their target for pain projection. It can happen to anyone at any time as you get tossed around in the waves of abuse until one day you make a decision to break free. The alarm goes off in your brain and you remember who you were before another soul tried to flatten you into a submissive version of your old self. And once you are in the thick of it getting out is not as easy as it seems.

‘As the light sparkled she found her strength and heroism’

Abuse can harm you financially physically, and emotionally and threaten your freedom under the guise of control or containment. There are many modes of abuse and they can take the form of manipulation, threats, and narcissism. a scary and growing theme in the world today. Narcissism is a coping mechanism for many who have been deeply wounded and revert to literally separating their feelings from their human self. What I mean by this separatism is that narcissist becomes attuned to tuning out their emotions when they harm another soul. It took me years to realize an abuser in my life appeared to feel nothing when they restricted my freedom and inflicted fear through various actions. At first, I thought they were evil until I became aware of their narcissistic personality. In a word RELENTLESS And in saying this I give thanks for my innate courage and strength which were magnified when I woke up and realized I had the most magnificent support in the way of God, angels, and spirit guides. It changed everything and what has followed is an attitude of tenacity and belief in myself as a lesbian soul who has every right to live her best life. I was now part of a massive soul family, genetically connected to the source. This insight gave me a sense of unity and deep reflection. I was not just a pawn in another soul’s game whose wounding was now mine. Instead, I was a gay female who had the right to live an inspired life of her choosing without barriers or scaffolds set in place by another.

‘She walked through the dark with the light blazing in her soul’

My soul travels have lifted me to a place of intrepid consciousness where I allow myself to see beyond the limits of human thinking and the repetitive scripts we learn on Earth. I know it seems like a clique in a world where hate is the norm toward things people don’t understand but I truly believe the power of love heals. In fact, the softness and sincerity of this emotion bring peace to troubled waters and calm the wrath of turbulent hearts. Love in all its purity brings divinity to earth and hope for a ‘New Earth’ template. A utopia brand of being where life is free of conditioned ideas. For many the thought of a world where peace and unity flow effortlessly can be a huge ask. Looking out our back doors we see an environment of duress, a landfill of humans trying to make sense of their lives. An intrepid journey of unexpected happenings, births, and deaths. When things go well life feels great but when the volcano erupts an opportunity for growth is imminent. Now when I say this some will question my motivation as most people live for the best of times and wonder how you can grow from the worst. All I can say is after many years of narcissistic abuse my levels of awareness, strength, and spiritual sight have elevated in terms of human expansion and growth. My acceptance of reincarnation plays a dominant role as I honor myself as a soul, an extension of God, or a source. This mind-blowing twist on classic religious teachings is the reason I have pushed through the barriers of abuse and taken back my feminine power.

Abusive Lesbian Relationships

The Mask Of The Narcissist

‘The wounding was so deep she wore a mask to survive’

In doing so I understand it is cool to be me. A lesbian empath who is not afraid to face her adversary and be an example for consummate change. You see as a soul we walk through many lives as a woman or man with varying choices in culture, sexuality, and of ancestral origin.  Prior to this, I struggled with the trauma of abuse and why it had impacted my life so negatively. My survival skills were evident and that kept me going no matter what hardships I endured. The rollercoaster of repression made me braver and in the moment of fear and tear-filled eyes, I made a pact with myself to be the girl who would live to tell the tale. This came from an awareness of how many women on this planet feel the curse of abuse and choose to give in or give up. The thing about abuse is it can show up in various ways and it’s not a label for men only. The role of a narcissist can at times be defined cleverly through the wiles of a woman who knows how to use her innate femininity to get what she wants. If these words seem unfair I am sure many gay women have fallen under the spell of a diva who understood the art of manipulation 101. An abusive role possibly learned from observing her parent’s view of life and interaction with each other. When re-enacting a program of abuse she disempowers her divinity as feminine by wearing a mask of inauthenticity and self-hate. She then enters the arena of relationships where her need to manipulate and control will be the continuous dynamic of most unions. This is the mantra of a woman with narcissistic tendencies who may be straight or gay.

‘She found the path to her inner Goddess’

In our world, there is a whirlpool of abuse being initiated on men and women by either gender. The soul of humanity is suppressed with psychological bondage and until there is more awareness the dark light of abuse will endure. As a gay woman I have been not only saddened but at times shocked to see the level of cruelty permeated on this planet, We are the caretakers and bearers of life who can stop the cyclic patterns that see generations of women fall under the guise of the victim. Don’t we think it’s time to create future lives that understand the beauty of being authentic, loving, and kind? Let’s put a dent in the overflow of abuse by awakening to the powerhouse feminine our soul knows we are. Strength comes from within and as the divine daughters of the source (God), we understand our mission as trailblazers of the New Earth. A Shangrila where children are raised with love and encouraged to align with their soul’s purpose. Here humanity can cleanse the wounds of a tormented life while creating a land of plenty where all species thrive. For many, this is a pipe dream that lives in the hearts of the spiritual and has no basis in a ‘take before you are taken from’ world. A sphere of dissidence where the feminine is a target for the masculines and another woman who disrespects their divine reverence. It is not until we collectively honor our values that the message of abuse will change as there is nothing more alluring than a divine feminine who understands her boundless worth.

‘Her heart was as free as the wind while her life was in chains’

She is the force of nature created by the source to be a courier of creation on Earth. and I for one celebrate her beauty and soft sincerity. As a gay female, I seek a feminine who shares her light and open heart with the magenta glow of love. We are not here to let pain prosper even though growth is the cherished reward. If you are in a relationship inspired only by the abuse you must seek help to find your way out. With so many women being undervalued by partners, husbands, and same-sex wives it is no wonder this type of suffering can be seen as the norm. We as a woman in this evolving world have an opportunity to say NO and mean it. All citizens of Earth deserve and should demand equal care and comfort. I am a warrior who used to fight with a sword until I woke up and found courage is ingrained and how capable I am of holding a torch to light the way for all women who have felt the wrath of human hatred. I survived and so can you. Only then will the narrative be heard that women are highly-valued members of this planetary collage. Centuries of female oppression have left the scars of self-doubt and the illusion we are less than masculine in importance with a revolution of one-upmanship that brings us no closer to unity. Gay and lesbian relationships are filtered with the same role-playing and also open to the harsh criticism of abuse. You see mistreatment of another soul comes from a wounded human who does not or cannot see the enchantment of a loving connection. We need to heal as a species so the measure of source love can be the light-giver in every interaction on earth.

‘Her light was dimmed till the pain of living in the dark awakened her to the beacon of source love’

I am an advocate for healing the heart and sending the ripples of wholeness through the universe. This sets the stars twinkling as the vibrational energy of earth levels up with God’s limitless love. This consciousness of emotion works side by side with all creations and every moment is a victory when a soul heals their worldly wounds. I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to get support if you are a victim of abuse. I wandered a time after a sexual attack and it was not until I became very sick did I hear the words of a doctor prompting me to get counseling. I did and it was the start of finding my way back but not the ending as my life was still in chaos. It was not just the abuse but a wait for a criminal trial where I had to relive the whole thing over again under the scrutiny of a dedicated defense lawyer and jury. Justice was served and the rapist got ten years to think about his life choices. While he went to prison I stayed in one of my own makings as my life crumbled. It took a long time to feel even close to my past self but fate was about to lend a helping hand as I woke up spiritually and felt the light infiltrate my broken heart. The healing began and so did a new style of empowerment. I was still under the hammer of abuse but it was kept at bay by police giving me some breathing space so I could get serious about rebuilding my life. This I have been doing piece by piece with the help of some heaven-sent earth angels who inspired me to take back my power and be the lesbian woman that made total sense to me.

Abuse In Gay Relationships

She carried the sword of adversity

‘The road from ruin to redemption’

You see the abuse of the divine feminine, lesbian on Planet Earth is out of control. And why I am sharing my own experiences in the hope they will strike a chord with a gay/bisexual woman who feels powerless in a situation of abuse. I won’t tell you the road back is easy but I will say if you stay where you are the life you envisaged will never eventuate. I know that part of my purpose as a soul is to encourage my own kind to take a step out of hell and regain their fabulous feminine worth. The moment we walk out of the fire a spark ignites our soul as strength replaces submission and the path to freedom opens. Only then can your life begin again. For me, it was the desire to live life on my own terms without the dark cloud of another’s control or manipulations. As a soul evolving through years of suffering I discovered how easily we give away our power. That is in all fairness not often the fault of the victim who can be overwhelmed by the sudden onset of abuse in her life. What happens next is the feeling of helplessness as the power she once held slips away and the life she knew with it. No matter which way you turn the light has dimmed within and you begin to pray for this nightmare to end. You see abuse has many layers and can make you feel frozen as the fear kicks in and the girl who took on the world in her former life feels suddenly alone and afraid. I am but one of many women who have known the decay of a life being shattered by abuse. This is a sad testament in a world where women in many places and nations feel invisible.

Healing the divine feminine, lesbian on Planet Earth

Their voices are stunted and their role as feminines of worth is disavowed. In fact, the dishonor of Eve is duly noted through centuries of paralysis where her freedom has been evoked under the halo of control. Today our aura is ablaze with the desire to achieve, be seen, and love who we wish. And that means as a gay or bisexual woman, a feminine who dares to exude her sexual prowess with another woman. This is me and I shine this light blazingly so others can feel the sanctity of being authentic enough to trailblaze different choices when it comes to love. I am part of a soul tribe that came to earth as an innovator for same-sex unions. And although my path has been scattered with resistance I pledge to carry the banner of freedom for all people and their right to be heard, seen, and respected.

 ~ Opening the gate in your soul sets you free from imposed repression. The scent of liberty breaks the spell that bound you in chains ~  

Author: Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)