Valiant Volunteers – Cosmic Cavalry Of Light


‘Message to the heart of humanity’

Once upon a time, in a faraway sphere, a soul was inspired to help a planet—not just any earth but a 3-dimensional realm where the species were on a timeline of darkness defying light.  The call went out for brave hearts and souls to form a cosmic cavalry of light forged in divine love for the awakening of human greatness. These are the volunteers. Ancient souls with a heartfelt purpose and willingness to join the human collective hidden in plain sight as emissaries of God. The cosmic opera of souls beating down the door of indifference. We come to heal the blindness from eons of programmed thought. We are here to offer an awakening but the free will is yours to choose. ~ Arise dear souls of Eden take back your enchanted home. A land of mystique and beauty a Shangrila of human experience. A playground for souls to learn. Comply or grow that is the question. Will you awaken to the powerful being you truly are? The thunder of hooves is approaching as the cosmic cavalry arrives.

‘What if willing helpers were assigned to reincarnate in this troubled world?’

Souls that had walked the earth or star seeds from faraway star systems wanting to awaken humanity to its inevitable greatness. Brave sensitive souls on a mission of divine urgency and love. These are the ones they call the chosen or volunteers. Powerful beings, ambassadors of source unity and love here to awaken the crowd, but only if they want to, as free will is the guardian of choice and the mainstay of cosmic law. What a lovely thought to consider that souls were willing to support humanity on their pathway to a New Earth. It is a highly prophesied event ready to be staged and celebrated as a time of growth in a species that teeters on the edge of darkness. Our ancient lore is a marker for our current status on earth, a globe denigrated by unkindness. And mutual disrespect. In the spaces of conspiracy and myth lies the truth of our antiquity. Did we come from the stars via a consciousness of enlightening love? If so, we have wandered through the desert of disconnection. A barren land of separation where love is sanctified for some instead of all. We blaspheme others for their skin color, romantic preferences, culture, and religious doctrine, without taking the time to understand why people feel the way they do.

‘If I were to ask you why being gay is a hardship for you, what would you say?’

Perhaps you would speak of an upbringing where gay was a cryptic religious word. God did not condone this thinking, and your parents felt shamed by their friends at church. What if you believed it was a destiny, a difference in a world of embracing the same? Your being gay brings light to a biased program running as disapproval toward those who don’t fit in. Being distinct and individual is a bonus, an authentic vibe that some see as defiant or disloyal in a 3D herd mentality. Why do we alienate those who stand out from the crowd with courage, dignity, and a clear sense of self? The answer is simple. Life as we know it is a riddle, a puzzle to be solved, and many are caught in the crossfire of learned beliefs. These ideas, principles, and assumptions are garnished from, ancestry, and ancient expectations. People who appear to have more than us are examples of abundance—something we should all strive for. These prophets are often false and yield power from a space of self-interest and entitlement. These icons of society portray a positive vision of the world while hiding the true persona of self-gain and unworthiness. From an early age, we are taught to respect our superiors as defenders of the faith; whether envoys of the church or leaders of nations, we believe their positions are authoritative enough to demand our attention and respect.

‘We consider them role models, strong characters with reputable intentions for those they lead until the disguise is removed exposing the tricks of a liar seeking recognition, praise, or backing for their counterfeit storyline’

History is ablaze with orators who gained traction with words of unity when secretly they wanted to rule the world. Their actions dismantled their words with cruelty and desire for dominance. Anyone who stood in their way was unjustly disposed of as war broke out and a hush fell over the collective heart of humanity. This is the legacy of a species floundering in the dark of dissension, unable to see beyond conflict as a mainstay of power projected by those wanting control of a partner, group, nation, or planet. The desire for safety and stability can give people a sense of autonomy, where self-governance is the key to a powerhouse authentic life, or dominate and demand adulation to prop up their insecurities and lack of self-love. These descending souls require constant attention and validation, feeding their need for superiority and status in a world that reveres self-imposed idols lacking integrity and truth. We walk behind these leaders of inconsequence as followers, never questioning their dishonorable motives until truthseekers expose their faulty facade and duality. Humans try to understand their place in a mysterious universe of unseen gods that demand faith to validate their existence.

‘We look to books we are told are the word and history that fades in and out of mythical civilizations with Atlantean origins and a land of the Pharaohs, where glamorous queens ruled with divine feminine heroism’

We are a rare species trying to make sense of ourselves by defining who we are by others we aspire to be like instead of finding our real identity a daunting process for many who have no idea who they are or what they stand for as meaningful.  This is hardly surprising as we navigate a life influenced by guardians, friends, ancestors, media, peers, and whatever we are drawn to in a spirit of kinship or likeness. We are searching for the US amidst millions of people trying to decipher the US in them. Some will align with celebrities and famous icons in the spotlight, emulating their looks and actions. In contrast, others may journey within to find the US so uniquely defined at a soul level and origin consciousness that calls us home. I am that feminine who took a walk to see the US in me, and what a journey of discovery as I tripped the light fantastic and entered a private realm that belonged exclusively to me in a world where people love to define the US in them through others they look up to or long to be. I am an authentic brand of consciousness uniquely crafted from my past life experiences as an old soul dancing through the rhetoric of lessons learned. I am awake and expansively aware of who I am and where I came from.

‘I am also a volunteer, a prophecy known to those who can see beyond the veil, as a helper here to aid the return to our origin selves’

I am a seeker, a soul entranced with understanding the deeper aspects of dark and light, the human condition, and unity consciousness on a planet choosing disunity as the preferred vibration. I am a lesbian, embracing a softer tone amongst the harsh voices calling judgment on same-sex love. My heart aches at the negative ideals sending shock waves of separatism to every corner of the globe as dark energy of hate, bias, and prejudice engulfs our planet in frequencies that defile love, unity, and the spirit of acceptance. What if I told you it’s possible to shift the old ways and begin again as an enlightened humanity? Would you believe in the potential or settle for the status quo? To support such a mammoth shift, we would need to know ourselves. How do you define yourself? Is it by the code of others, or do you have a powerful sense of self? Many of us have grown up in dynamics that did not feed our vision of self; instead, we were programmed to align with our parent’s view of the world and its convicted principles. Setting oneself free is possible and allows us to dig deep into the internal self, where our blueprint of individuality is seen and realized as the truth of who we are. If you believe in reincarnation, then past lives are a given, as are the experiences we had for evolution and growth.

‘Our soul excursion is a mystery tour of delight as we align with new soul experiences to explore’

Every step is a pilgrimage of sight, sound, touch, and feel revved up with excitement as the soul navigates their path to Nirvana. Imagine a soul volunteering for a sacred mission, role-modeling the way to shift lifetimes of constriction, influence, belief systems, and gender expectations. All this is in preparation for a New Earth template of 5th-dimensional frequency, as right now we are in a 3-D earth of heavier density with pursuits of material gains as a source of comfort and collective ranking. In 3-D, we stumble and fall while learning insane lessons that accumulate growth and expansion as we consciously ascend, offering a rare view of our spiritual or godly self. Our connection to a higher power depends on our earthly viewpoint, as Planet Earth hosts a multitude of religions. Christianity is a hallmark for many worshippers of the biblical text. Hinduism is a free-spirited dance through the wheel of reincarnation, played out as an adventurous soul of this mighty and mysterious universe. Are you a volunteer, an ancient soul wanting to support humanity on its odyssey to greatness?  Perhaps you are from a distant star or a lone wolf here to shake up the system with innovative ideas and inventions. The volunteers are amongst us, beaming light into darkened dreams.

‘Our earth is in jeopardy with mentors of gluttony and greed’

Seen in the dimming light of our animals and the landscape of an Eden ravished for its resources and personal gains. We are caretakers of a cosmic globe sinking in the shame of indifference. How it came to this has roots in our separatist natures and desire to be on top at any cost. Not all folk fit this self-serving role but the damage proves we have become bystanders to the neglect and nefarious actions of our cruel and careless intent. And why if you care to believe or not in the prospect of volunteers who heard the call and reincarnated to help awaken those lost in the lower frequencies while heralding in the Age of Aquarius? A legacy of a loving consciousness on earth. The volunteers are god’s messengers for change as heaven opens the gates for humanity to rise in their divine eminence. Lightworkers are the legions of people aware they hold the sacred heart of healing. Their internal beauty brings an aura of purity a frequency of Divine DNA and love. What if Planet Earth was victim-free apart from the unseen events that create a need to heal from natural disasters, war, or accidents? Is it a pipe dream? A storm is brewing on a planetary home divided by deeply held convictions carried forth through genetic hand-me-downs and words whispered in children’s ears.

‘Healing the heartbreak of humanity’

Heartbreak is the anguish of the soul through the loss of a lover, son at war, or unexpected action. Through lifetimes we carry the burden of collective unhealed trauma until the heaviness begs to be released ~ A simple way to free the soul is to bring forth a time when love filled your every cell through the birth of a child, a meeting of an old flame, or a divine connection to your sense of a God or creation. As you pull in this avalanche of love send it with love to the core of your heartbreak. Fill every crevice, every saddened moment with all the love you can conjure from the cornerstone of your deeply sensitive soul. This is the path to healing the heartbreak of self and the collective of Earth and humanity. We are loving people who embrace the magic of this pure and mystical emotion. As you pour from the container of love into the depth of any heartbreak the alluring medicine of God’s ethereal essence cleanses the wounds of human experience. Now arise dear soul to begin again as a soul of infinite wisdom and light. The volunteers are here to inspire healing ~ and bring love to every heartbreak on Earth. 

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)

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