30 Seconds Of Love: The Revolution Of Self

‘I imagine a world where authenticity is the keycode to living your finest high-vibrational life’

A masterful state of true self exuding all the magnificent parts you are from the heart of soul, a loving center of the universe forged in the ascending fires of source  An alluring tale of creation whispering through the dark space of ascension. It is a haunting song of unconditional love in its purity and invention. The divine is an authentic story of imagination and manifestation, an architect of illumination carving a universe and world we honor as home. Was the source a wondering spirit lost in realms of their psyche awareness with every inspiring thought? Or was this a God alone in the abyss, feeling the emptiness of their solitary self? Either way, we are thankful for this cosmic warrior who garnished a monument of interstellar elegance from the depths of their curious self. Biblical text tells us the universe, planet Earth, animals, and humans were created in six days, but what if it only took 30 seconds of love to bring forth the theatre of the cosmos? The power of love is invincible, eternal, and immortal. It is an endless thread of purity, an essence of liberty, levity, and light. To fall in love is to feel the glamor of our origins or a glimpse of a past life returning to preach the true meaning of love.

‘Planet Earth is an enigma a symbol of compromise, compliance, or indifference’

In ancient times, the feminine denied her mastery as a daughter of divinity by dimming her light in sacrifice to the programming of the times. There were accomplished icons such as Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Joan of Arc, and mythical goddesses Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena who endorsed the female spirit as a powerhouse of beauty, nurture, intuition, and Eve’s intellect. Was their fear of her divine majesty as an emissary of a royal bloodline? The DNA of God with a calling of planetary love?  An empowered feminine honors self-love as she pioneers the statute that historically made her small. With 30 seconds of love, we inspire a higher vibration, a consciousness of freedom, where women share their hearts in union with a masculine or same-sex partner. What is a world without love but a wasteland, a non-life so dark we are strangers to the light of divinity? In a loving space, we find God in the kismet of romance. We are born to love, not to dwell in the house of amateurism, as the continuation of Earth relies on our innovation, dedication, and motivation to shift programs of cruelty, unfairness, and intolerance.

‘The answer is the return to love in an eclipsing world where relationships are karmic lessons in how to love’

We are bound by our influences, called programs that weigh us down. Eons of suffering have cloaked the messiah of our inner love while the most dominant voice has quelled our intuition and dishonored our authentic light. Imagine for 30 seconds manifesting the frequency of love. The ripple effect would be enlightening as we raise the bar of unity consciousness, and peace. How can we set ourselves free from the problems we can’t seem to solve? The message is clear. Love is an inside job.  It requires a commitment to mastering oneself. Our lives are distinctly external, and what we can see and touch overrides what we feel. The 3-D realm is a playground of experience, and doesn’t the soul know it as they sign up to come to earth for the adventure of an incarnated lifetime? That is if you believe in reincarnation, the eternal wheel of continuance. The opportunity for celestial beings to become humans and discover the excitement of navigating a landscape of beauty and eclectic happenings.

‘Life on Earth is unpredictable and relies on the psychology of humans as they navigate each moment from their unique perspective’ 

Often with dire consequences as they work with an array of influences given to them by ancestors, guardians, and people who place themselves above others. These are authoritative figures in the form of governments or men and women who convince others they know better than them. For as long as we know, and this doesn’t touch on mythical civilizations that drowned in antiquity, we have followed a leader, often to our detriment as we misunderstood the value of self. Women were not in a position to seek their inner truth, as their path was generally through the eyes of their male counterparts. How this came to be is an enigma, as the feminine spirit has so much to give in a world that longs for her love and nurture. The conquering demon of dominance delivered through narcissistic conditionings has plagued our vision of mutually respectful and loving relationships. The hangover from earlier beliefs are programs that continue to disintegrate marriages and partnerships with unhealthy dynamics learned through ancient messaging when women could be stoned in the street for speaking out against their partners.

‘Love was a dutiful respect and expectation for females to follow the leadership of their men’

Even now women feel the call of compliant patterns triggered by controlling and abusive partners. As a gay woman, I pray for the deliverance of all negative programs, patterns, and conditions enslaving the masculine and feminine of Planet Earth. We can do it. Begin again as a free-spirited tribe of light and citizens of a non-judgemental world—a land where newness and innovation strike a chord for change. The kind of change that shatters humanity’s heartbreak soothed through habits of addiction a temporary mask for the internal pain of wounds begging to be healed. We then learn to courageously face all the parts that make us who we are, including the darker aspects we often prefer to ignore. A 30-second meditation of love brings us closer to God as a human broken from lifetimes in the harsh hell of life. Love can move mountains and shift the 3-D dynamic of conflict and chaos with unity, a consciousness of purity and peace.

‘In the distance, a crystal path opens as a promise of Aquarian light heralding an era of self-ascension and unity’

The Aquarian Era is a long-awaited prophecy and welcomes all who breathe her airy vibe of softness from the chill of a past divided by skin color, your choice of God, and national borders. Humanity sets intentions of war as a stance of power, while empowerment resides within. Here we feel love and unity, while enforcers pressure us to conform. ‘Dear divine light of eternal love.’ I am soul singing your praises on earth as the icon of pure love. Life here is troublesome as people seek solace in hatred, pain, and hurting each other. I long for a planet of playfulness where the soul sings a song of contentment, an anthem of authenticity, and a frequency of happiness. With 30 seconds of love, we explore our inner world, where the soul lets us see beyond the world and its offensive intentions. My brand of consciousness allows me to love, honor, and be authentically true to thyself. This is my quest in alignment with the divine and cosmic mainframe.

‘How can we not love the emotive enlightenment the divine offers us?’

It is a gift of their fatherly love and why we pray for the hearts of others to open so they can feel the depth of enchantment the soul wants you to know. We are starry-eyed beings of abstract ideals and cosmic creation—the prodigy of light, and high-frequency love. Awaken dear soul your purpose is calling and the reason you incarnated to earth. The stage is set for your light to be seen and felt as the messenger of God on a planet where love is a compromise, a frequency so far removed from its true intention. Our world is sinking in response to the falsehoods of those who deny our creational source. It is time to honor the heart we know is pure and aligned with universal greatness—the greatness souls seek in this earthly realm. Will you heed the voice of true love? It is our birthright as divine souls to fly beyond our wildest dreams and love another with open arms regardless of sentences placed upon those who were too different to love.

‘Meditation ~ 30 Seconds Of Love’

Close your eyes and breathe in 30 seconds of love. Shut the world out of the flurry of anxiety and the busyness of life. All things are possible in the void as we expand the mind and allow the entity of love to power up our senses. Go deeper with every breath as you shift into an infinite space where the noise outside has no place in this inner sanctum of expansive awareness. In the solitude of the soul, we find peace and the wisdom of the ages channeled through the realms of higher knowing. Now we are evoking the revolution of self—a Nirvana voice of truth and holy light. We are free to be and love from the core of our romantic soul. We have wings to fly in the chasm of cosmic clarity. Down we flow through the rivers of internal knowing; we are more than human life we seek to pacify our existence. With 30 seconds of love, we begin again and return to the governance of self-purification from the rivers of life and its chaotic composure of angst. Awaken, dear soul for you are in the presence of God, a spark of eternal greatness, and you are the light-bringer heralding a brave New Earth age. Now we understand ‘the all’ of who we are. ‘The human, soul, and feminine of infinite power and grace.’ 30 seconds of love is all you need to awaken the ancient goddess—the queen of your beloved life. The return to your empowered femininity, all of you, the dark and light. Speak the words “I AM I AM” divine in my holistic purity as a messenger of nurture to a world needing love. We are the pioneers in the golden world to come. We are the Pandora’s box of sensuality, intimacy, and vulnerability. We are mothers, lightworkers, starseeds, and misfits with our hearts on our sleeves. We arrive to cleanse Planet  Earth as the revolution of self.

‘Dare to be the light-bringers of Planet Earth. ~ The brave hearts daring humanity to evolve Heaven On Earth’

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)













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