‘I feel like a spiritual pioneer, staking my claim in mines of energy shifts, growth, and internal innovation’
What a blast, this journey is and the inner child delights in the progress made. Yes, being spiritual is fun as you begin to lighten up and see life differently. It’s about knowing ‘who you are and why you came here to earth’ that takes away the guesswork, most of us spent years trying to calibrate. We will never escape challenges and people who bring the possibility of inspired change. So being equipped with soulful competence, allows us to navigate life’s predicaments, with wonder and ease. My journey started with high hopes and plenty of achievement until one fine day it all changed. I had come out as a gay woman and was sharing life with a female partner, when fate stepped in and like a hurricane, caused a landslide in my foundation. I am now aware that awakening to spirituality, was pre-destined, as a major upheaval that would eventually show me the light and a soul, I am constantly in awe of. I am also in appreciation of how far I have traveled in the 3D realm, with the gladness I have conquered my fears, many self-sabotaging patterns, and my belief that God was only reserved for popular religions. The divine presence I aspire to is a consciousness of love and a little like a father figure, who inspires their children, to live a human life of integrity and goodwill.
‘This God works with the laws of attraction and karma, supporting each soul’s journey, as they dwell on this picturesque planet’
With the skill of an architect, each soul devises a blueprint of how their life will pan out and what they are hoping to master, this time around. By that, I mean whatever karma needs to be re-addressed and experiences to be had, under the guise of reincarnation. A process that honors all souls, who are diligent in their willingness, to reach greater heights of Godly elegance. It is a brave soul that takes on the role of a male or female human, knowing full well, that the journey may at times be truly arduous. With this said, it is whispered in the ‘great halls of wisdom’ that a journey of difficulty, holds the key to soul literacy and fitness. And It is here on this globe of abundance, we get to play out the parts, we elected as the best for spiritual growth. From the moment we are born into our human facade, the die is cast on a path of testing endurance. Each challenge brings a new set of skills, with options for advancement. Our world as a child is akin to fantasia, a locale where everything is fun and alive with inspiration but it can also be a dark place, where kids learn pain and are robbed of their divine innocence. Love is replaced by fear and can set the tone for an adult life, where psychological wounding, affects choices in relationships.
Without the blessing of parental nurture, a child can grow up to choose people like the false guardian, as it is familiar’
They may look at a kind, loving person as suspicious, or something they do not understand, or resonate with. Sad to say this is the plight of many women and men who were shown a ‘tainted style of love’ by their father, mother, or both. The damage is insurmountable, as these kids become adults, with a blurred impression of love. They say ‘hurt people hurt people’ and this is true of many but there are those who become aware, that what happened was never the child’s fault. These bruised souls find healing and learn how deserving of love, we all are. When we are ‘love blind’ how we view the world can be different from a person who may have evolved from loving parents. These kids are likely to attract and be drawn to like-minded souls, that have taken their cues from guardians who were role models for healthy relationships. On the other side of the street, family life may be a different story, as control or abuse issues, bring disharmony to the household dynamics. A child may then repeat the patterns learned from mom and dad, setting up an emotive, generational curse. This inability to offer or receive love can be passed down as the norm, encouraging a system of dysfunctional behavior, until one soul takes the initiative and breaks the cycle. Many of us have been doing just that, as we see the light and shake off the programming, that serves no purpose in a union where trust, empathy, equality, and communication are key.
‘Self-awareness allows us to look at our lives and ask the hard questions about how we interpret love, in personal interactions’
I had a lot of work to do and have taken the journey seriously, as childhood wounds can re-open, to highlight a need for healing. We live in a world of deep hurts manifested, throughout this sphere, of human heartbreak. The animals are crying sentient tears, while Mother Earth inspires, with her capacity for renewal, as witnessed when much of the planet was in lockdown. The message of pain shares unity in its loudness and why this land of immense beauty, offers much to a soul, hungry for knowledge and growth. The brave heart who opts for a laborious life has endless tests to perceive during their incarnation. It’s a battle of wills, as each soul uses the skill they have to fathom each challenge presented. Some will recall parts of past lives and draw upon this wisdom, to work situations that appear demanding. I was once an English knight and was able to utilize this warrior’s discernment during a long-term struggle. Seeing myself in a different light and timeline brought forth a capability that proved invaluable. We are constantly tested by people and our planet when natural disasters assess our durability. With every happening, a new expertise or emotive strength is added to our soulful repertoire. This is why we came here. And my trek (thus far) through a forest of circumstance, is now stored in my soul archives. In order to get to a point of awareness, we literally have to wake up.
‘Like sleeping beauty, we come back to life noticing how the world around us, has changed. In actual fact, it hasn’t’
What has happened is we are magically tuned into a new, a new spiritual perspective. If you saw the Matrix movies it might ring a bit true, as there were different paradigms at play but most saw only one version. This is how I felt. It was like being born again and a little confusing. This waking-up forced me to evaluate everything in my life, past and present. With my spirituality leading the way I began to challenge the way I looked at the world and realized there was, more going on. Planets were not just about what star sign I was, instead, they were magnets for soul expansion, each time they went into retrograde, eclipse mode, or aligned in a significant way. I met my spirit guides, and angels and renewed a timeless, relationship with God. I felt blessed and in alignment with who I truly was. An old soul who loved coming to this planet for the reverence of life and an unparalleled apparition of color, movement, and adventure. With each incarnation, I suspect the path was more treacherous but still, I am happy to be here. With this new and glimmering reality, I voided most of what I knew and began a journey of re-inventing myself. I analyzed a life with its own style of conditioning and in this new light of redemption, I found the reasons, I had tripped myself up in the adult years.
‘This was the blindfold coming off, as old ideas that suppressed innovation, were released’
I was tearing down any misconceptions, gathered from peer and parental influence. The process has been enlightening and one I can highly recommend. It creates a sense of freedom and understanding, we do not have to stay as we are. Instead, we can fine-tune our life, for our personal advancement. I love the work it involves, as every day there is something new to be learned that adds value to the journey. If we choose not to put our best foot forward and embrace change, our path will be blocked as stagnation sets in. To be a free spirit requires the bravado, to make positive moves that enhance growth and happiness. So often, humans hold on for dear life to a relationship that has run its course. This is true of many karmic unions that are meant to show and teach us things, When the party is over, one partner may find it hard to let go. The test here is to know nothing stays the same and by the power of release, we open doors in the universe, for new and exciting opportunities, to come in. The law of attraction dictates a need to be open to change. The reward can be a like-minded soul-mate or a unique, twin flame. that escalates life to a place of higher love.
‘The truth is we will never know what beauty lies beyond if we stay stuck in a relationship that has a one-sided love’
This stops the wheel of life turning and prevents the potential bliss of meeting a soul, better suited. The universe sees our evolution and matches it with people who can inspire growth. By example we can gently encourage others who resist change, to release fear and walk boldly into the unknown. The tests keep coming – But so does the growth! Every step taken, adds strength and a newfound excitement. I liken this, to how a child’s eyes light up when they learn a new word, or see a wild animal at the zoo, for the first time. The message of discovery is beautiful and with every stage of learning, a child feels accomplished and confident. As we grow older many choose to keep evolving, while others literally stop where they land. This could be a place of comfort, that inspires a certain happiness, so they do not wish to move on. The issue here is our natural state as a soul is to keep the momentum flowing, as new experiences are staged for an escalation in evolution. A soul is akin to an eternal child that never stops wanting to thrive with spiritual development. And from the moment a soul enters their human sheaf, the testing begins. We can look at the trials of life with resistance, or embrace their worth as soul progress. I love this theme and now understand, why my past was so traumatic.
‘I was so naive and did not know I was a soul, on a magnificent earth adventure’
I have since shifted my focus to awareness and seeing why I am here and what has transpired to date. Forgiving oneself and the negligent actions taken, when we didn’t know better, is food for the soul on a path to Nirvana. Looking back there are a ton of things I would have done differently but the past does not require a return to it, Instead, it is a reflection of what we needed to work on and not repeat in the present or future. The positive approach is to take the experiences and learn intently from them. I am a student of life and have been insanely tested. I am kind to myself about mistakes made and accept this 3D world as challenging. Spiritually I am seeing beyond the illusions and finding solace, in my friendship with God. There will always be more tests and unknown events to encounter. I am open to change and know I have the skills to help me navigate what lies ahead. We are all children of the divine and being promoted with soul furtherance. My spiritual psyche has much to offer, as love is my internal offering and a desire to encourage others. Compassion emotes my soul and is always on the ready to be shared, with those who need it. I also give unto myself, the worship this life of mine deserves. If you are being tested, it’s not always easy to see a benefit in the outcome. That is why a deeper verification of the soul journey is helpful when we are in the thick of it.
‘We may not pass every test but can still gain wisdom and clarity’
Next time we are better prepared when a similar challenge arises. I was just listening to a song with the lyrics ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and indeed it does even though as a soul we are immortal. With every trial or scrutiny our soul, character, and spiritual form is under the spotlight. offering raw diamond moments, to climb the universal ladder of growth. Our grasp of the test can lead to a shower of awareness and sharpening of our instincts or intuition. If we stay calm enough to think before diving in, there is a good chance we will pass but if the damage is done, we are now in clean-up mode. This is the part where we wish we had taken a ceremonial pause, before facing a challenge without foresight. Learning the selective art of being cool in an impassioned situation takes the knowing, that nothing great, comes from matching fire with fire. I sincerely can’t take credit for this knowledge as although I have done the work, I admire and respect the scholarly guidance I received from those already wide awake, in the universal groove of awareness. Every day I am eternally grateful for the soul I am and the desire to pick up the pace of learning in a world that offers a soul the opportunity to gain accolades of growth with new perspectives always within reach.