Lesbian Titan – Smashing Patterns In A 3-D Earth

lesbian titan

‘My heart and soul breathe a distinct flavor of difference as flowers bloom in my garden of lesbian difference’

A burlesque walk on the path of the begotten in eyes that speak religion or a median belief in the tradition of male and female as opposed to girl meets girl and falls madly in love. It is a dance of the divas who see romance in the eyes of each other. Love is the magic of the cosmos sparkling and true while here on Earth we use words like compromise when compatibility is nowhere to be found. Love seeks the giver a recipient with a requited appeal while here on Earth we defer love as conditional a program devoid of high-frequency allure. How did we become cryptic in our vision of amour? A twinkle in the eye of a creator whose light defined who we are.  Human and divinity all rolled into one as male and female wearing a clever disguise. Here on Earth, we play life from mixed influences. Our guardians had their say as did teachers and the politicians we thought knew so much more than we did. We come to grow and unravel who we are and why we are here. An ongoing sonata of seeking truth through illusion imprinted in our cells, hearts, and DNA. A storehouse of events, experiences with spinoffs of emotions felt through the tests and trials we endure in the 3-D realm. The danger zone of mistruths and patterns we embrace like a lover from a past life. Our patterns are embedded in our soul and human vault. A reminder of intuitive prompts we chose to ignore or banish to a place of remembrance when it was too late to change the action or life choice. We are victims to the cause of the patterned views we claim and over time superglue our conscious way of thinking about love and its factual source. We play at life with unconscious beliefs that are garnished from what others believe. This may be our guardians whose sermon was a religious god. An icon that denies the conception of gay love while shooting holes in psychics who see beyond earthly realms.

‘The pattern of humans is aligning with the crowd and forsaking our individuality until we let go of what no longer serves us’

This comes with knowing there is more to the soul story than what we have been led to believe. And perhaps why they refer to the deep dive of self-discovery as shadow work. A pilgrimage into the abyss of our deeper thoughts and the wanting to free oneself from patterns that can hinder our relationships, career choices, and life as we consciously know it. The pattern of humans is to align with the crowd and forsake individuality by fitting in with our culture, faith, or societal ideals. The mothership of mirage shrouds the earth until the spark of awareness breaks through the ice age of desolate beliefs we are less than we are. A shocking revelation that shifts our thinking in a heartbeat forcing us to consider our options as a citizen of an abundant planet that is a sanctity and prison cell. This was my breakthrough after living a divine feminine life in a situation of cruelty that challenged every aspect of my incarnated soul. It began with a spiritual awakening and evolved to a consciousness of knowing how easy it is for others to influence and trick your way of thinking forging a response of self-doubt and disbelief in a safe world. The mission then is to survive and that takes a belief we are strong enough to overcome adversity. Parenting brings its own set of programming rules as we are shaped to belong in a family dynamic that may be effortless or the other kind that sits us on a throne of emotional or physical abuse. Often it is subtle but the intention to make a child believe in a negative rhetoric can be manipulative or shamefully narcissistic. Our infant training molds our every thought when it is a boot camp of unemotional availability or at worse a campground of violent interaction where a child has to watch their mother being beaten by a drunk and disorderly father who is repeating the vicious cycle of their father’s mistaken vision of love.

lesbian titan

‘As A Child Of English Migrants, I Soaked Up The Message Of Independence With A Lone Wolf Mentality’

From people who left everything behind to begin again in a strange land filled with promises of a better life for themselves and their intended children. The Victorian theme of allowing was passed to me from my mother’s compliant chromosomes. However, the understanding I was gay at an early age led to mixed emotions about my place in the world which seemed such a mystery with a saving grace I was artistic and free-spirited enough to follow my passions regardless of the cultural idealism glistening in my cells and European genetic code. In many ways, the explorer that lived within my parents was passed to me as I set forth on my imaginary galleon ship to a life that would prove to be the call-up of my greater self. A culmination of experiences needed to learn from the harsher aspects of living on Planet Earth. The roadmap of my early years was missing important information like how to navigate people who consider others their submissive subjects in line with their constricted programs of power and control. Victims of their constraints are fast becoming the norm as an ancient vision of conquerors who hold the genes of conquest and initiate these programs through the covert guise, of narcissism. A brutal attack on a human’s free will considered justifiable by those who hold this stance as legitimate. These tyrannous mentors of oppression seek men or women with the empathic light of compassion and sensitivity that encompasses love for all living things especially those who carry wounds inherited from humans who have the curse of unhealing. These beautiful souls are the target of a darkened heart relentless in their pursuit of total submission and surrender. Their light dims as the assailant quells the spark of God within a revered child of the cosmos. The role models for a new and companionable world. A heart-based template of freedom, peace, and collective camaraderie. Survival mode is difficult as it triggers all aspects of the self although an opportunity to fine-tune the parts of us hidden from view.

‘When Danger Strikes We Invite The Spirit Of The Warrior Or Surrender To The Enemy In Our Midst’

Our senses spin in defense as the life we know fades from view, and all that is left is the desire to transcend the attack that has arrived to crack us open to the core. What happens next is a do-or-die theme as you make conscious choices about the threat and how you intend to endure the outcome. Some believe we decide these events long before leaving our divine home. We intrinsically choose these tough happenings to enlighten and grow the soul’s intuitive awareness beyond human consciousness and wisdom. Each walk in the dark teaches us there is more to know. It’s a discovery tour of our psyche and ability to evolve beyond our limits. Boundaries we inflicted on ourselves without knowing they were programs fed to us by influencers of the past and now. A daunting process of armoring mankind with seasons of famine thoughts we were designed to suffer through robotic whispers of religion, governments, and subliminal media messages. Breakthroughs come in the coldest spaces of personal battles with another who releases our programmed paradigms of fear, which sets us free to explore the center of our unique universe that lives within. In the Bermuda Triangle of our inner voice and knowing we find truth and the lies told to imprison our souls with the rhetoric of enslavement making us model students for a life of servitude. A player in the game of power-hungry individuals who drink from a well of plenty. Their workforce is human with a misconception of their innate potential until the awakening of a livestream message from our origins. The enlightening memo from home. Arise, child of the divine, it is time for the return to self the soul who came to fulfill a purpose.’ So long before the conditioning began we set sail for lands like Atlantis a fabled arena of divine connectiveness. A realm of universal light where humans danced to a free-will theme and love was the cornerstone of liberty, faith, and truth.

lesbian titan

‘Can we reclaim a golden age of enlightenment or will we be chained to a low vibration of chaos confinement and cruelty?’

The Nirvana door is open and our awakenings are ushering us through as programs of lifetimes fall crashing through the masks of illusion that held us captive in a Luciferian age of bondage, narcissism, stalking, rape, childhood abuse, and sadism. These are the extremes of a fading Piscean age. An era guided by the sorcery of saboteurs looked upon as saviors of the human race. The new heroes are light-filled warriors with a divine quest for a New Earth. The Shangrila of the future where consciousness is Christ-like and living is loving and free. It is here the past age is revealed as prohibitive and restrictive with religion counting our sins and judgment being called on anything but the norm. The church was our co-leader and the bible was an anthem of the word. The gospel of a God that denied gays and lesbians were part of a heavenly flock and for a time disallowed access to the kingdom of God. What if we reincarnated as a soul to experience being gay, psychic, or even a witch? Would our society crumble if the news came that souls reincarnate to human form when the oldest religion has a reincarnation theme where the soul loves to learn, grow, and expand? Why would this be unaccepted or shunned as a crackpot idea? We don’t embrace change and cling to our beliefs for fear a new reality may be too much to contend with. If we woke up tomorrow and saw alien ships had landed would we ignore what our eyes had seen or accept the evidence we are not alone in the universe? Why is change so damn hard for us as a species that has seen more shifts in evolution than the way we live our closeted and overly protective lives. It comes back to the culture of survival and how we try to control the factors that may affect change when all we want to do is live our orderly programmed lives.

‘Humans love to feel safe and find ways to avoid threats that ironically show up when we least expect them’

The reason is simply growth and the traumatic event it takes to articulate this precious commodity that reminds us we live on a precarious planet in the cosmos where asteroids and comets are a common threat. Deep space also holds the secret of advancement where eclipses and retrogrades aid the evolution of a soul’s epic outing on earth. Everything is designed for our conscious dance of light, which can mean a detour to the dark where change is inevitable no matter how hard we try to avoid it. It happens in a heartbeat through love, wars, and natural disasters. Proving nothing is controllable except your response to the threat that has landed. When we face it head-on amidst the shock waves of trauma we rise in our bravery as souls experiencing strife. A commonplace feeling of unsafety and chaos where our comfort zone has imploded and the fight or flight mode is instantly endorsed. Understanding this positioning and perspective is akin to finding yourself in the desert without an oasis. It’s a desolate no-mans land where the doors all seem closed and locked. My experience of a narcissistic event taught me the measure of myself as a soul and divine feminine human. I am also a lesbian and the threat was a masculine on a mission to defer my LGBT light.  A non-negotiable aspect of my romantic, gay soul but contested with cruel intentions for possession of my liberty in a world where a God slaps me as not worthy of unconditional love.  A divine feminine releasing patterns and programs of lifetimes. No longer in alignment with her creational purpose.

‘The spark of a universe, a braveheart willing to reincarnate to this planet knowing the lessons to be learned are not to be feared but revered as the treasure of exponential growth’

And that never comes easy in a sphere shrouded in the dark. Lesbian titans are born of divine love and given free will by a God of benevolence and receptiveness. I am gay and feel the clash of the opposing titans who dishonor words of difference, unity, and approval. Instead, the verse is prejudice, bias, and bigotry. I came to shine a glamorous light on difference no matter the opposing rhetoric spoken by those initiated in the halls of hate. Programs played out for centuries as campaigns of pain and death for those caught in the crossfire.  And proof our world operates in the patterns we procure from the keepers of the earthly watch. People in power hold court as the influencers of humankind. At the same time, our feminine messages of submission and surrender echo through our definition of worth alongside the masculine whose conquering ideals cause rifts in the art of togetherness. These defunct programs disallow a relationship born of free-spirited love. A union of high-frequency riveted in the seat of creation with high-end health and maturity. The disrespect of love demands a karmic interplay of co-dependency, control, or abuse. These are simply patterns grown like weeds through our ancestral fields where flowers long to bloom, As our consciousness awakens we see the patterned error of our ways and discontinue the memories so heavily ingrained. We have been living in the shadows of our purist version of self and by the code of guardians who hijacked our innermost thoughts by plugging us into the noise of a mistaken ID with programs we didn’t sign up for. Now I am the goddess of a feminine new age. A lesbian titan with intelligence, intuition, nurture, and enterprise. The gift from divinity to a world needing my loving and compassionate stance.  A crusader holding space for humanity to grow and transform.

‘The journey to discard our programs and patterns initiates freedom from ancient originators who stamped us with their earthly code’

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)