My Ancient Quest For The Truth Of Self

truth of self

‘I just want to be me’

Live my life my way as a blueprint for my journey as a soul navigating the rhetoric of my human self. If we think about how amazing this life can be as a vehicle for intrepid growth we get to feel excited about the possibilities and let’s face it they are infinitely endless.  From the moment we are born a guardian angel is assigned to us and will stay with us until we leave this earthly life. And if we want to stretch the mind to corridors often closed off we can allow a belief there will be spirit guides that are also assigned to watch over our path. A mortal march through the fields of adventure where souls go to party as a human female or male. Some might ask why we do it.  Choose to embark on a journey in a 3-D foreign land. A starlit sanctuary where anything can happen amidst the best-laid plans of a soul script meticulously prepped for thirst-quenching growth. Planet Earth is an enigma a mindset all of its own but still, we hunger to set sail for shores far from our cosmic home to explore the Nirvana dream. An ideal of enlightenment and awakening to the truth of self. Unlike the programs instilled to constantly challenge and disbelieve who we truly are.  A divine soul designed with love by a creator who was inspired to bring forth a universe of celestial beauty and enchantment. A reservoir of enterprise induced by an innovative mind able to manifest into reality their infinite imagination. They say Nirvana is achievable if we grow with the changing tides. Still, many settle for a conditioned style of life with patterns clogging up our divine ID a galactic bloodline that goes back to the beginning.  Masked by human beliefs there is no source or God only us drifting in time and space. This spin doctor rap breeds a disconnect with our divine origin as a heterosexual or gay human doing their best in a compromised world. I reincarnated as a lesbian so I could experience what it is to be gay. Not everyone will agree with this belief but as a spiritualist who honors the concept of reincarnation.

‘I see the beauty and bravery in coming to this earth as a gay female wanting to set the record straight about difference’

And how we are all of one God but found reasons to dishonor our soul friends who chose to come in various cultures and skin colors that others find conflict with. If you think for one moment we reincarnate many times it’s possible our human choices were varied so we could potentially experience a magical life as an ancient Queen of a principality or slave in times when prejudice was at an all-time high. Each choice allows intimate encounters and events to support our climb to cosmic consciousness. A sphere of all-knowing where our creative gifts and talents are enabled for purpose on a grandiose globe of opportunity. Unconditional love is the heart of this universe where free will is enacted as our freedom of choice. However, it is not always accepted as gospel by those who have differing views about people of gay origin. Much has been said about my LGBT brothers and sister’s homosexual inheritance a highly debated subject as science explores the maze of ancestral genetics. At the same time, the church classifies it as immoral and sinful behavior. Indeed it is humans who cast the first stone of judgment by those initiated into the school of biased parents who consider gay to be wrong. This creates a message of hate although the tone has softened as we dare to be different on a planet of mixed mindsets and religions that oppose who I am. I am a spiritual lesbian here to promote a divinity that measures the worth of every human by their loving heart. We are on the precipice of change and I am here to inspire the movement of free-spirited souls who came to help awaken a ‘sleeping beauty’ world. And why recognizing the truth of self has never been more crucial as resistance comes in from all quarters blaspheming one’s right to walk their path with integrity and grace. This evolves humanity spiritually and expansively as each person feels the call of their purpose, whether to rescue our begotten animals or write songs that reflect the depth of one’s soul through the power of words and lyrics. Each soul brings an ambition unique to only them. A spirit of invention transmuted by our human self as the definition of who we are and what we give to this world

truth of self

‘This takes a measure of self-belief we can share our likeness as a preacher of the gospel – an astronaut seeking the stars or a messenger from creation here to lighten a load of humanity with her insightful intellect and vision of heaven on earth’

The sky is the limit but it may require you to find the Joan of Arc hero within as people of Earth can be a tough convert and customers. We like what is familiar and hold tight to programs that bring comfort as we discount our dreams as too hard or unacceptable to the masses. It’s a classic call amongst humans to lay down their arms of purpose so they fit in with another or entire planet as we are connective creatures drawn to the closeness achieved through friendships, partnerships, and family units. A framework that seeds the beginnings of a beautiful soul purpose or crushes the spirit enough to forsake a divine being’s reason for reincarnating. Life on earth can be a dream come true or a goal lost through the harshness of earlier abuse that shocks the natural flow of a soul and human odyssey. This early crisis can mar the vision of self and deter a person’s pathway to purpose. A divine covenant agreed upon before we springboard into human life armed with a mission revealed through experience. Our paths are littered with trials and tests lovingly designed to spark the authentic truth of us and the magic we came to create. We all have it and can tap in when we know how to reach the depth of our awareness of ‘who we are.’  And that’s at the core of our conviction as divine and human souls. What makes us think and feel the way we do? What drives and guides us to our passions. The art of our inner landscape as a painter, musician, stockbroker, or politician. It is the blind leading the blind as mom and dad teach their kids all they learned. This can be a blessing or a curse as kids try to decipher their inner truth based on the lessons of their parents and the family dynamic. We can hardly blame our guardians for going off the cues they were given by their significant teachers. An ancestral issue that comes down the line until someone breaks the code of dysfunction and breathes a light of health into family interactions that have so far been negative.

‘From day one parents tell us who they think we are and what roads we need to take to survive the safari of life’

It begins with the basic steps of learning to crawl and walk then education so we can get a cool job that enables us choices like buying a home, settling down with a partner, having kids, or sailing the seven seas on a boho journey of devil many care adventure. It’s all about the conscious choice and what we have learned or decided to discard from our guardians and view of the outer world. What we know thus far can steer the ship of life in any direction and down paths we might wish we hadn’t. And that is often because we don’t know ourselves only the vision shown to us by people we trusted from an early age. It’s a tough call to find the self as we are loaded with the baggage of guidance from our ancestral beliefs. A powerful influence on any child who sees mom and dad as their closest allies. The influencers of their future life and if there has been parental abuse kids may believe the world is a hostile place and harden their hearts to survive. This child is emotionally impaired as a consequence of their abuse and may carry the scars forward as failed relationships and personal life success. Kids are set up to fail through trauma that goes unhealed. How can they find their truth of self when they carry the burdens of frightening unresolved events. This child will struggle to find their authentic self. The keystone to a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. The temporal self of an abused child may be all they know until they heal with the potential to evolve, expand, and ascend in their creation consciousness. When we integrate our mind, body, and emotive self with a clear sense of who we are the light of the universe shines brighter in our world as now we have all the parts working in cohesion. The psychology of spirit embodies the human function of how we emote, think, and act through our physical but what is missing?  Our link to an endless supply of unconditional love and creative consciousness is often not recognized by the person whose belief system does not embrace an expansive power that generates the opulence of knowing there is more to this life than what is seen, heard, or touched.

truth of self

‘The invisible realms are the dance of creation a mystical machine that speaks through our hearts to those ready and willing to hear’

Our soul is the engineer of our existence as humans walking the talk of creation often with no intimate connection to the person they reside in. This causes restrictions in how we navigate our lives especially if we have accumulated a collective of thoughts based on our assimilations as an avatar soaking up every word spoken on our path. We then externalize who we think we are whether it be an authentic perception of self or a masquerade formed from others’ perceptions and perspectives. Every day we are besieged with the ideals, values, and expectations of a world governed by those in powerful seats. People who influence our thinking cause a disconnect with the self as we take on the visions of those we see as persuaders or experts in their apparent field. These seasoned souls can show us the purpose we came to fulfill. Each is specific to the individual who may scan their psyche to find the deeper meaning of what they believe is their highest aspiration. An idea, belief, or incessant passion that lights up their imagination with joyous thoughts of achievement. The same applies to our original algorithm as a soul defined by past life experiences and beliefs etched in our spiritual framework. And when combined with what it is to be human makes us a symbol of creation as we embrace all that is unity. The disconnection from the source has left us wandering in a desert of mirages where life is determined by our environment rather than our spiritual and human psychology. In alignment when our consciousness soars with the mysteries of this universe syncing esoterically with our mortal jaunt on earth. Our immortal self already knows who we are as we awaken to our ancient truth of self. A signature of divinity and the immaculate conception we are. Letting go of all we know is the crystalline path to self. A worthy adventure as soul and human take the journey inward to the primordial truth of us and our galactic bond with God. We see beyond the ties that bind us on earth and feel the love of an unconditional icon bathed in the blissfulness of light.

‘My pilgrimage has taken me to places rarely seen’

I have walked through the corridors of pain and witnessed the dark side of humanity. I am not alone as the ships of abuse are sinking where love is not honored in homes all around the world. Our people are hurting and being hurt by unhealed souls whose wounds are infected. When we are cut we bleed and then often bleed into others who are then the victim of our wounding. The journey to my true self was littered with traumatic events that shattered the illusions of my programming at a very early age. I was aware of the esoteric and a God of mainstream religion. Still, the magnitude of wounding I received cracked me open to a divinity that opened the enlightened gates to an expansive consciousness of awareness, intellect, and supernova growth. The kind that defines my sense of truth to who I am and my divine purpose. It is a freeing experience even if you are still in the throes of trauma which at times I still am. On-going oppressors whose relentless pursuit puts you in a game of stalking and narcissism can be the catalyst for your definition and ancient idealism of yourself as a soul navigating a difficult human life. I believe in reincarnation as the medium by which we express ourselves in human form and then return to our home among the stars. There may be a script to guide our way but in the end, we define our reality as a consensus of who we are and not some carbon copy of a person many tried to convince us we were. It is breaking out of paradigms put in place by people voicing who they thought they were and enacting this belief to teach the masses. We are all interconnected as humans who inhabit this earth but also through our soul heritage and the father of all humanity a divine maestro that governs all that is. This is when our ancient self is revealed and what a homecoming it is. For me, it is an old soul cruising this earth as a lesbian. A woman who values her worth as a disciple of divinity a messenger for the authentic self. How can we live the life of our dreams if we are an imposter of our ancient self? A perpetrator of our authenticity programmed for eons by masterminds of illusion. This is still the state of our conditioned globe where honoring the self is not a priority and has been replaced by a follow-the-crowd ethic. Once we break free from the constraints of societal regimes we find the courage to look deep within and make friends with the core of our beautiful, unique, one-of-a-kind self.

~The ancient truth of self is an internal journey of love for who we truly are and once the cage is opened we fly free from every thought or ideal told to us as the gospel of our worth~

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)




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