Family Tree Chain Breaker – Divine Daughter Of Light

family tree

‘Our walk through the deep space of starlit nights and sun-kissed days can be a lifetime labor of love or a ride through the confusing cosmos of life’s ethereal experiences’

We are runaway souls. on a mission of earthly exploration. A planetary boarding school designed for higher awareness and growth. The pathway to soul furtherance. A gift from our eternal writer of a galactic script forged from a heart of purity, love, and innate curiosity. Like a child learning to crawl or a philosopher spinning the wheel of discovery through eccentric open-mindedness, we arrive through the generosity of the feminine spirit. A beloved essence of intuitive awareness. She brings souls sparkling into this world via the mechanics of reincarnation. An Einstein measure of brilliance and ingenuity. A masterful plan of conscious thought action and outcome. The mother of creation bears the seed of the masculine so life can evolve in the realm of the earth as ambassadors of a kingly consciousness. A benevolent knight of honorable intent who handcrafted a domain of glittering orbs and designed the cycle of humans via a mother’s womb and universal love. The feminine’s merit on Earth has often been undervalued by herself and masculines who see her as less significant. However, in the eyes of her maker, she is a conception of perfection as Eve the feminine human who is the sacred partner to a masculine or woman in a same-sex union. As a divine daughter, I honor the free will to become all I can be in a world where I carry the divine feminine genes of my mother and grandmother highlighting the power of genetics and the inherited patterns of my ancestral line.

‘We are chronicles of our forefathers’ alcoholism, depression, or trauma caused by soldiers at war and life events that left a lasting effect on future offspring’

Clearing the deluge of learned patterns allows a clean slate and an opportunity to free oneself from the impact of ancestral wounding  That is if we know where our anxiety stems from or why our relationships are burdened with behavioral patterns we picked up from an ancestor who was a victim of sexual abuse. Awareness is the key to healing past traumas that were played out in times when therapy was not an option and people buried their pain with a ‘tough it out’ attitude. Sadly this grand burial was only the beginning as their genetics took note and carried the trauma to their children who then gave birth to unhealed patterns formed eons ago. Imagine an entire nation going to war. The genetic footprint would read a carnage of life-threatening fear, death, and uncertainty as PTSD shellshock and war neurosis.  The same goes for animals who receive the messages of their descendants as behavioral patterns that can be triggered by animal abuse causing reactivity or fear. The mind-blowing knowledge we arrive in this world with inherited issues calls on us to address our ancestral traumas and end the genetic cycles of continuance. Some call it the curse of our ancestors. Still, either way, we can shift the negative connotations of gene transference by evolving programs, patterns, and conditionings that hinder our development as a human and divine soul. I began the process and was fascinated by my English heritage and how my ancestors delivered a curtain call of stoicism captured magnetically from resilience and endurance in war, depression, recession, and the black death plague. In unexpected ways, these patterns were of service in a narcissistic controlling episode that triggered every aspect of my genetic hand-me-downs forcing a fight for my feminine, lesbian way of life

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‘When faced with a seasoned oppressor we either stand or fall’

My choice was to stand but not without a battle and a backlog of genetic patterning that saw betrayal of self with archaic programs that gave my opponent an unfair advantage. A narcissist will scan your weaknesses and use them to fortify their message of control and cruelty adding fuel to the fire of your inherited genes. Mine were ablaze with layers of strength, endurance determination, and kick-ass courage. Noble attributes lovingly delivered by ancestors who fought wars for my right to live a democratic life.  An arena of justice and equality where humans exercise their free will in a collective of mutual respect and discerning freedom. Sadly the light has dimmed in many fellow humans who project their harmful ideals onto individuals or communities targeting them with their darker aspects of intellect. These are people who seek control, and domination of others often in the form of narcissism. A callous aim that opposes our God-given free will. Their need to attach is parasitical and harmful to a person’s safety and peace. It is a dark wave of cruelty and a catalyst for the cracking open of stale and stagnant programs that hinder expansion and growth. These parental pass-me-downs cause us to dance to the tune of others and repeat their negative patterns as if they were our own. And why the castration of natural and human disasters keeps playing a familiar generational song. That is until brave souls cut the chords of compliance to patterns that no longer serve. We not only carry the genes of our loved ones but also repeat themes of adverse attitudes to life. These can be racist, homophobic, and religious limiting beliefs. I am the chain breaker of my generation crashing through the barriers of false ideals and teachings.

‘The return to our authentic light as a soul and human is a journey of excitement as we pull back the layers of influence’

The kind that saw my forefathers walk a path of obedience and often enslavement. Women were taught to obey their god and husbands and to follow principled ideals whether they adhered to them or not. Now we can think for ourselves and beyond the patterns of restrictive living, and loving we make our mark in the world. For me, that is a spiritual lesbian who aligns with the recycling of souls and unity consciousness in a world of separatism racism, and ignorance. These labels of disunity are imprinted on our DNA and mindset. Our ancestors were probably unaware of how an unhealed trauma from an accident, or wartime bombings in their town or city could have far-reaching effects on a great-grandson who experiences anxiety or health issues. Understanding how this works enabled me to analyze the background of my parents and their country of origin which experienced two world wars, and the evacuation of children to the English countryside.  This was the plight of my mother and I am now realizing the impact of being born to parents with such a traumatized background. Not only have I inherited the programs and patterns of the ancient feminine but genetic transfer from guardians born of parents in wartime. And perhaps why my mother was emotionally unavailable as she carried the shock of being forced to leave her family as a child. and in her pain may have given birth to me with PTSD—a surefire way to deliver trauma on auto-pilot to her only daughter. A soul walking the earth with remnants of ancient ancestry waiting to be seen and healed.

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‘The creational rivers run deep and as I climb the spiritual ladder to my enlightening moments I see a divine of equality who loves their divine daughters and sons unconditionally unlike the error of division on earth’

My expansive awareness allows the light to seep through the cracks of chaos and confusion. An ignited state of being crafted by eons of drama fueled by programs that deny our free will. Our God-given right to honor thyself as a spark of divine love walking the earth on an expedition of advancement. Divine daughters of light are born to souls with continual themes that run unconsciously causing blockages that hinder growth. Earth is a jumble sale of artifacts in the form of conditioned thinking fashioned from others’ ideals and belief systems. The journey to awakening through a littered path of programming is what greets the soul when faced with the feeling there is more to the story of who they are. Connecting the dots is only part of solving the galactic cube when the soul’s willing to look beyond the norm, That is me and my quest for truth has taken me on a pilgrimage of questions to be answered through the integrity of intuition and psychic super powers often shunned in religious text. My noble nature ensures every thread is inspected with due diligence allowing the esoteric to be defined as probable. We are the new philosophers of a fast-approaching Aquarian Age here to inspire the consciousness of free-thinkers willing to stretch their intellect beyond limited and devalued convictions that stagnate our growth as co-authors of the cosmos. Our ancient mentor of the soul with every eclipse, retrograde, and phase of our beloved moon. Planet Earth is attractive to the soul wanting to learn. Still, it comes with a stark warning as our world is a gas-light of truth redirected by those who prefer the deception of influence—instigated over time by lower vibrational humans wanting to gain from the control and enslavement programs so dominant in our ancestral DNA

‘Coming to terms with these positive and negative imprints enables a fresh perspective of how and why we do what we do in life and relationships’

Especially when childhood trauma leaves us begging to be healed. Our view of the world alters as we perceive our environment through clouded eyes. This is the moment our dreams and foundation shatter in a moment of extreme hurt and unsafety. The pendulum swings as innocence is lost until an enlightening moment springs the well of truth. Wounds can heal as the soul steps into the forefront so the human they so lovingly designed can master the script of experience. A game of pain and deliverance crafted for the illumination of the soul. It is here we feel the god within regardless of gender, heterosexual or gay stance. Love is the equalizer that forms the bond of unity through the eyes of a divine consciousness. When we reconnect to the source of our true origins the pathway on Earth is understood as a journey of the soul and through the hardship I endured brings healing to the wounds of discontentment in others and often ourselves. I am a divine daughter of the light in this current incarnation navigating the continuance of planetary disharmony, egoism, and arrogance. We have evolved eloquently as humans but choose the road of resistance to others, our dear animal friends, and Mother Earth. My awakening is a gift of awareness and insight steering my Galleon of light across the stormy seas of human confusion. We are lost at sea until our divine DNA is activated and all that was unknown and idealised becomes the truth of who we are. My gay ID is not a bargaining chip for my entry to heaven or hell it was a choice to engage this 3-D realm as a point of sincere difference. I hold this dear to my heart in a world of misguided influence. Carrying the flag for a New Earth of Christ consciousness defies the enslaving, combative, and chaotic patterns prevalent on Planet Earth.

‘Our human experience is an opportunity to cut the chords of disagreement ending eons of feuding and friction as we awaken to generational ties and their impact on family bloodlines’

Walking through the minefield of souls’ desire to experience places us in the lifetimes of family trees designed for maximum growth as this is what the soul loves to do. I am no exception as I revel in the soul I am guiding my human endeavors for the Nirvana truth. I have opened my eyes to an empire of expansiveness that combined with human intellect opens the door to mysteries of our genesis. An enigma and story begging to be told as we uncover our deeper selves and the blatant ways we have been programmed to be something we are not. The power of influence should never be underrated as it defines our view of the world and our place in it. This comes through our genetics and interactions with everything that encompasses our human life. The missing link is our Divine DNA an integral part of our light-being biography. We are not only human but divine children or souls. who reincarnate for a specific purpose. As a holy daughter of light, my lessons have been arduous and a resurrection of my authentic self. This globe has many secrets and unraveling them has been a destiny of defining truth. Our genetics do not need to define us but highlight the journey of those who came before. I have taken my strengths and discarded all that was holding me back. This came from the awareness I am more than the experiences of guardians related to my geno code. I stretched my thinking further to embrace the divinity I also am. A divine daughter of consciousness all-knowing and haunting in its eternal love. There is power in this unity as I walk with authentic authority in a world waking up. I am my family tree chain breaker. A messenger of hope for a prophesized New Earth and survivor of the unusual while navigating this world as a divine feminine lesbian. A light bringer in the storm of earthly life.

‘Our family tree sings a song of galleons on the sea and ancient Egypt where our DNA shone through the light of divine inheritance’

Author ~ Linda E Cole ( The Divine Feminine)