animal communication
‘Each and every one of us has a sincere message that some call purpose and the deeper meaning for being here’
Since the dawn of man, we have philosophized about our planetary home and how we can aspire to greater heights as a collective. Each and every one of us has our own unique vision of what could make this world a better place and that includes the planet and our animal neighbors wild or domesticated. Humans are emotive carriers of ideas we interact with as cosmic citizens of intellect and intuition. In fact, the sky is the limit when it comes to human ingenuity and inventiveness making us the messengers of motivation as to what needs to change or evolve. Sadly over time, our earthly structure has fallen into disrepair. And this is the result of taking more than we give and then finding our world is depleted. Is it too late to turn back the hands of time? I think not as humanity may have a notion we are the only intelligent life in existence backed up by religion and ego but our animal kingdom when communicated with by talented souls who can hear their internal chatter tell an enlightening story. In fact, the unconditional affection transmitted to psychic communicators from our beloved animals like horses, dogs, birds, and dolphins is a heart-wrenching plea for humans to awaken to their own demise. Our careless assumption we are the only strain of an Earth family that has a voice is a fool’s parody and in saying that our use of this receptive vehicle is at the best of times laced with a negative, apathetic vibe.
‘The animals instead bring their message to the world personified with unconditional love.’
And the purity I have heard from these emblems of divinity speaks volumes of their universal intellect as they reincarnate onto a planet of mortals that discard unity for a podium of entitlement. The humble nature of an animal’s rhetoric is guaranteed to pull on the heartstrings of the most hardened of humans. But sadly the religious rap towards animal psychics is one of blasphemy and discounts the validity of an open channel (for those who can access it) from humans to our benevolent beasts. Indeed a closed door through the premise that channeling or divination is a giving away of free will and a call out to demonic spirits. The right to choose one’s belief is the language of free will but after hearing many of these channeled messages from various creatures it is hard for me to comprehend their loving intent has anything to do with devilish motives. Instead, their sweetness shines through the messages of fondness for their human counterparts tempered with a cry of hope we can unharden our hearts and embrace with empathy all living things on this Eden planet. A glamorous grandiose landscape created for souls to engage on a human level with others and their environment. And yes this implies everything has an infinite share in creation’s consciousness. An awareness we are all jam-packed on this planet with our own unique radar that picks up the signals of the cosmos and the subtle messaging of divinity through spirit guides (including animal guides) angels, elementals, and the highest vibration of love. An unmatchable heartbeat of purity and affection lovingly gifted to the offspring of a maestro who conducted a symphony of alluring life that came with a free-will right of passage.

same-sex love
‘And this is where we got a little entangled in our own human web as handing over the rights to live an earthly life as we see fit has gotten us into trouble as we have forgotten this planet is not infinite in its generosity’
Our days of profiteering despite the pain inflicted on Mother Earth have left a deadly legacy of crazy climate change and drastic loss of our natural assets calling a time out to the greedy mentality of humans taking more than they ever intended to give back. Even so, the path to healing a planet is no easy undertaking although the work has begun but only when we felt the kickback of our careless intentions. And the voices of the ancients who were aware that interfering with nature’s wonderland could cause a temperature shift and create unfamiliar weather events. Now that we are in the thick of it the good news is we are a smart race of beings capable of finding solutions to earthly problems with solid science and out-of-the-ballpark thinking. A colossal ability to reason and integrate the wisdom of the ages to see a clear way forward. And that’s what makes us humans diamonds in the rough as when the chips are down we find a way to shine with enough clarity for the task of turning this planet’s destiny around and on track for future generations to thrive in. A legacy we all want to see as our new footprints are becoming friendlier toward our galactic home. This is indeed the message of many like myself to a world that lost touch with its own longevity and sensitivity regarding our constant mistreatment. Along with our inability to move past the dark forces of bigotry and religious debunking of gays and lesbians. Plus the gifted psychic souls who see into other realms that are not always visible to those who believe it to be a demonic practice. This, of course, is how the church sees it and the interesting thing is the Catholic Church literally birthed over 2000 years ago around the same time (give or take) the Piscean age began.
‘There is no doubt religion has been a dominant factor throughout this time influencing mankind with its doctrine of love for God while outcasting those who are different’
As we prepare for the coming of an Aquarian Age my message to the world is one of camaraderie, not compliance, racism, or separatism. This prophesized era denotes a free-spirited motif of authenticity and living your life from a place of self-love and compassion. Therefore, creating a more heart-based society that embraces all people’s cultures, skin color, sexuality, and unique cosmic gifts. I am a lesbian who walks the talk of reincarnation and holds dear to her heart the message of inclusion as I breathe the same air and bleed from a heart broken by cruel and insensitive intentions. Since crossing the road to this spiritual theme I have grown and transformed my life into a victory from victimhood after suffering abuse at the hands of a manipulative person who aligned love with control while using fear as a weapon of conformity. The name of this game was to un-lesbian me but to no avail as I was at peace with my gorgeous gay female self and still am. A determined soul with a pre-written soul script in her human back pocket. This is my directive as an ancient light-body strong enough to take on a tumultuous trek through the tangled jungle of human life. So what is your strong message to the world? Is it a desire for more empathy in a world of narcissistic misuse or a measure of truth from those holding the majority power seats? And why I am now reminded of the movie 2012 where the leaders of our world knew of a forthcoming event that would change life as we knew it but decided in their apparent wisdom to deny the general public their right to know what was coming. They instead sold tickets to the elite so the survival of the planet was secured. Does this beg to ask the question?

Aquarian Era Of Light
‘How much do we ever really know and are the conspiracy theorists really the integrity of absolute truth’
Or are the messages to the world filtered to avoid fear and panic as was the justification by autocrats who wanted their seat on the submarine shuttle designed to withstand the tidal waves that would eventually cover the earth? It may be a movie but highlights the scattered messages given when life comes down to the survival of the fittest and why I have made it in my best interest to be informed and awakened so I can put a divine dent in the cataclysmic style of the Matrix. An ingenious theme of dominance and misleading imagery stylized over thousands and thousands of years. And how victimized programming made it easy to herd us into lethargy or be distracted by gadgets and social media stories. We can instead choose authentic awareness and make conscious decisions about our lives and how we celebrate values that may differ from standard religious methodology. I feel I came into this life on the back foot as far as society considers a woman of lesbian sexuality with an intelligent outlook that loved to question everything she was taught or thought of as the norm. I was into esoteric books and dared to dream that Atlantis was once real. The messages I heard growing up were akin to the white line on a highway and I knew I wanted to pave my way in a different outside-the-square format. The pull of the crowd was magnetic but so was my desire to write my own soul tune. A musical of messages to the world via a connection with the divine a songwriter who wrote into history a template of unconditional love. Of course, it’s a matter of opinion in the eyes of those who celebrate God in their own way and I truly honor their right to do so.
‘Since being activated to a God that for me made sense I have flourished and grown even in the most trail-twisting of times’
This has altered my messages to the world as my perspective changed and with it, my outlook on everything that comes before me on my path to Nirvana. Making this life a sea of amazement. A magical dance of enchantment and the more pollyanna we are in approach the more likely we will see beyond the hustle and bustle of our eclectic world. I am deeply humbled by my love for all who dwell on this earth and fly my white flag for peace between heterosexual and homosexual humans who are cosmic daughters and sons of the divine. My message has elevated as I transform by choosing a path of spiritual intellect. A journey (at times) of hard labor but rewarded with flashes of insight, wisdom, and the molten lava of awareness. I see the light at the end of a tunnel where mankind is released from the barbaric conditionings of the past. A place of continual bondage gated with expectations and role-playing set out by religious and societal imprints. Freedom is a place we can find as we get in touch with our human psyche and mend the fences of childhood misadventures. We will shake off the chains required to live up to the standards of the centurions that put into law the measure of appropriateness. The weight of this righteous archetype has suppressed the bohemian free-thinker that lives within us all and stifled our authentic code. My eternal message is to bid farewell to the prior age of conservatism and kiss the lightness already being felt as the ‘Aquarian Era Of light’ teases our soulful senses. And that is with her sensuous and rebellious principles of harmony while cooling the breeze of rigidity. This Aquarian Mademoiselle comes to revise the Piscean script with a ‘new earth’ spark of unity. A much-awaited storyline of spiritual choice.
‘We are all cosmic messengers with a unique footprint and significant purpose for being here on this planet of abundance’
It may be you came to change the world by creating an innovative idea that brings a revision to the health of our beloved Mother Earth, a planet in dire need of our help. Or perhaps you are here to transcend your thinking to a consciousness of awareness where answers to human issues become clear and easily achievable. This could be the emergence of an enlightened view we are not alone but part of a greater scheme of things in a universe of higher dimensions with eternal support and love. Every purpose has a value and is an integral part of a soul’s artful jaunt on Planet Earth although some arrive here with a mammoth task. And that is to shift other souls into awakenings so they can reconnect with their divinity and realize the special purpose and heroic message they have for humanity. My message is for all people to close their eyes on a world of hate, bigotry, and sexual condemnation. Closing the door on eons of conditional, consent fabricated by promoted leaders that inspired submissiveness as a means for containment. We then see through the rule of obedience carried out on a world stage and in homes where expected roles were danced through like well-scripted theatre. That is until the eyes of many opened to 3-D neighborhoods shedding the ways of old in response to their own activation. Which in turn motivated people to consider other ways they might live. Women were shaking off their aprons and marching up the street in protest as humanity, felt the call for change. Like a massive shift in consciousness that made one look inwardly instead of out to the external. It is happening now as we open our hearts to a universe of infinite wonder and storyline that connects to the cosmos and each other. We are fortunate to see the light as we trek into the Aquarian Era with all eyes open in curious exploration. Let’s get the message out and bring our world online and in harmony with a holistic and loving approach to all we do and how we correspond with everything living on our planet. This is how we create a Shangrila of universal law, order, and light. It will take courage to leave behind millennia of restriction and all we have known but we are more than capable of spinning the cosmic wheel in favor of peace and goodwill, to those we judged as unusual. It is time to unleash our free-spirited natures on the manifestations of the past and re-think our loftiness and hard-wired attitudes. My heroic message to humanity is to be your beautiful authentic self thus bringing forth a state-of-the-art world of creative humans that will set the universe alight with their high vibes and enlightened awareness. The clocking is ticking and the Age of Aquarius is soon to arrive. Are you ready for the revolution?
‘When love lights up this world all colors of intolerance will form a rainbow of acceptance’